Clerk 08/16/2007
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to implement the terms of a mitigation agreement with the city of Kenmore through an intergovernmental land transfer agreement with the city of Kenmore and other appropriate measures.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. In December 2003, after an extensive siting and environmental review process, King County approved and selected the Route 9 - 195th Street system for design, permitting and construction of the Brightwater regional wastewater treatment system.
B. The Brightwater regional wastewater treatment system includes the construction of a new regional wastewater treatment plant in unincorporated Snohomish county, deep tunnel conveyance facilities through several jurisdictions; a marine outfall in unincorporated Snohomish county and five primary portal sites in the cities of Bothell, Kenmore and Shoreline and in unincorporated Snohomish county. One of the primary portals is the north Kenmore portal, also known as Portal 44, located within the city of Kenmore.
C. King County has been working with host jurisdictions and affected communities to develop mitigation measures for the environmental impacts created by the construction, maintenance and operation of the Brightwater facilities.
D. In conjunction with the permitting process for the north Kenmore portal, King County negotiated a mitigation agreement with the city of Kenmore to address the potential significant environmental impacts of the Brightwater project on the city of Kenmore and its residents. As part of the negotiated mitigation agreement King County agreed, subject to council approval, that real property acquired for the north Kenmore portal that is not needed by King County for the maintenance and operation of any portal conveyance or utility structures and facilities would be considered "surplus property" and would be transferred to the city of Kenmore after compl...
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