Clerk 04/29/2015
A MOTION approving a report identifying the Southeast May Valley Road Landslide Repair, various road surface improvements and two snow and ice material depot projects as projects that will receive funding identified in the 2013 Annual Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 17476, Section 135, Proviso P1, as amended.
WHEREAS, the King County council in adopting the 2013 Annual Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 17476, Section 135, Proviso P1, as amended by Ordinance 17907, Section 3, stated that the $2,941,152 supplemental appropriation to the county road construction fund for CIP project 1026789 RSD Cost Model Cont 386 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive has transmitted, and the council has approved by motion, a report that identifies the project or projects that will receive this funding, and
WHEREAS, the King County executive has transmitted to the council reports that contain the required information responding to the proviso, and
WHEREAS, the road services division's first strategic priority is public safety, and
WHEREAS, repairing slide areas and a failing road segments are high safety priorities, and
WHEREAS, a slide on Southeast May Valley Road has seriously damaged a roadway and is impeding travel, and
WHEREAS, the road services division has determined it can better provide service during snow and ice events by constructing materials depots and improving existing materials storage sites for salt, sand, and deicer. During storms, using distributed materials storage sites reduces travel time, allowing for more time to apply treatment to roads. Otherwise, trucks must travel back and forth to regional maintenance facilities to refill, and
WHEREAS, with limited funding, the road services division is prioritizing segments of deteriorating road surface for square cut patching and repairs that will improve the road surface and experience for drivers, and
WHEREAS, the proviso response reports provide a description of the projects, and the project justification, scope, cost and schedule, and
WHEREAS, the council has reviewed the road services division reports;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The Southeast May Valley Road Landslide Repair report, which is Attachment A to this motion, the Snow and Ice Facilities Projects report, which is Attachment B to this motion, and Attachment C to this motion, which includes the delineation of road
segments that will receive surface improvements and the identification and costs for all projects, are hereby approved.