A MOTION relating to operations of the juvenile secure detention facility at the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, the youth legal system, and other investments that improve the conditions that young people live in.
WHEREAS, in 2012, King County voters approved a $210,000,000 levy to construct a replacement Youth and Family Justice Center, and
WHEREAS, in February 2020, King County began operating the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, and
WHEREAS, on July 21, 2020, the executive committed to converting the youth detention facility at the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center to other uses by 2025, and
WHEREAS, between 2021 and 2024, the executive has transmitted four reports to the council on the strategic planning process for the future of secure juvenile detention at the Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
It is the intent of the King County council to maintain operations of the secure juvenile detention facility at the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center. King County should continue work to improve the youth legal system, including improving conditions and community-based programming at the Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center, and invest in programs and facilities that support transformational change rooted in therapeutic, holistic, and restorative justice principles. King County should also expand investments in stable housing, family supports, behavioral health services, mentorship and positive youth development opportunities, conflict mediation and restorative practices, and other trauma-informed strategies that improve the conditions that young people live in. The King County council supports continued expansion of and improvements to community-based programs for youth and families to prevent or reduce crime, recidivism, and victimization and thereby reduce the need for youth to be incarcerated in secure juvenile detention. The King County council supports the executive in continuing to work with stakeholders to explore development of one or more alternatives, that would provide a safe and therapeutic place for youth who
do not need to be detained in secure juvenile detention, but who do not have an adequate or safe home environment.