Clerk 05/31/2006
AN ORDINANCE approving membership in the Chicago Climate Exchange; authorizing the executive to execute the appropriate documents to become a member of the Chicago Climate Exchange; and establishing and stating the purpose of a new fund entitled Climate Exchange Fund; amending Ordinance 12076, Section 9, as amended and K.C.C. 4.08.015, as amended, and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 4.08.
1. There is a consensus among the world's leading scientists that global warming pollution by humans is one of the world's most significant problems today.
2. King County recognized global warming and related energy pollution problems at an early stage, and over the past fifteen years has actively implemented policies to foster a clean fuel economy, which experts agree is a critical element to reducing global warming pollution caused by humans.
3. In September 1988, the King County council proposed Ordinance 88-662 with the intent of creating an office of science and technology planning to address the issues of ozone depletion and global warming.
4. In 2002 the King County executive signed Executive Order PHL 10-1(AEO), by which the executive created and led a countywide initiative to inventory and reduce global warming pollution caused by greenhouse gas emissions ("carbon" or "carbon equivalents").
5. Council subsequently adopted Motion 11364 which approved participation in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign and supported the executive's development of an action plan to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and targeted air pollutants from King County operations.
6. In furtherance of this legislative implementation, an Air Quality Steering Team was established to provide the organizational capacity for inventorying and reducing greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming pollution.
7. As a result of the Air Quality Steering Team's important work, the county has created one of the...
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