AN ORDINANCE proposing an amendment to the King County Charter; establishing as the county’s paramount duty to protect the rights and safety of the general public by enforcing the laws and providing for the swift administration of justice, and requiring the county to establish by ordinance such levels of service as it deems appropriate to provide a well-functioning public safety and justice system; adding a new Section 805 to the King County Charter; and submitting the same to the voters of the county for their ratification or rejection at the November 2011 general election.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The principal goals of county government, as set forth in the King County strategic plan, adopted by the county council in July of 2010, are to deliver justice and safety; health and human potential; economic growth and built environment; and environmental sustainability to county residents, and to do so in a manner that reflects service excellence, financial stewardship, public engagement and a quality workforce.
B. In times of economic scarcity, county government may lack sufficient resources to achieve all of these goals and therefore may need to establish priorities among them.
C. Toward that end, it is the function of a county charter to guide county government in establishing priorities among its goals.
D. Since it is difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy the benefits of achieving the other goals of county government in the absence of personal safety and security, the highest priority of county government should be the enforcement of the criminal law and the swift administration of justice when that law is violated.
E. Effective enforcement of the criminal law and the swift administration of justice require a well-functioning public safety and justice system, including police, prosecution, defense, detention and court services.
SECTION 2. There shall be submitted to the voters of King Coun...
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