Clerk 08/23/20007
AN ORDINANCE proposing an amendment to the King County Charter to create the elective office of county director of elections; amending Section 350.20 of the King County Charter, adding a new Section 350.20.50 to the King County Charter, adding a new section 647 to the King County Charter and amending Section 680.10 to the King County Charter, and submitting the same to the voters of the county for their ratification or rejection.
SECTION 1. There shall be submitted to the qualified voters of King County for their approval and ratification or rejection, at the next general election to be held in this county occurring more than forty-five days after the enactment of this ordinance, an amendment to the King County Charter by amending section 350.20 of the King County Charter, adding a new Section 350.20.50 to the King County Charter, adding a new Section 647 to the King County Charter and amending Section 680.10 of the King County Charter and to read as follows:
Section 350.20. Executive Departments.
The executive departments shall consist of the department of assessments, the department of judicial administration, the department of elections and those agencies of the executive branch which are primarily engaged in the execution and enforcement of ordinances and statutes concerning the public peace, health and safety and which furnish or provide governmental services directly to or for the residents of the county.
Section 350.20.50. Department of Elections.
The department of elections shall be administered by the county director of elections who shall perform the duties specified by general law. The county director of elections shall be elected by the voters of King County, and his or her term of office shall be four years. The department of elections: shall be an executive department subject to the career service personnel system and shall utilize the services...
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