Clerk 05/17/2021
A MOTION acknowledging receipt of the report on the performance outcomes from a contract with a King County nonprofit organization that pays bail for indigent individuals as described in Ordinance 18835, Section 62, Proviso P3.
WHEREAS, the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget, Ordinance 18835, Section 62, Proviso P3, requires the executive to transmit a report on the performance outcomes from a contract with a King County nonprofit organization that pays bail for indigent individuals, and
WHEREAS, the report includes the following:
1. The number of bails posted;
2. The number of unique individuals that received bail support;
3. The frequency of bail posted for each individual that received bail support more than once;
4. The average bail amount;
5. The total amount of bail posted;
6. The total number of jail detention days averted because the individual would have been in jail if bail was not posted;
7. The total number of failure to appears for each individuals that received bail support; and
8. A summary of support services provided to assist individuals to appearance in court, and
WHEREAS, the executive is further required to submit a motion that acknowledges receipt of the report by September 1, 2020;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The receipt of the report on the performance outcomes from a contract with a King County nonprofit organization that pays bail for indigent individuals, which is
Attachment A to this motion, in accordance with the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget, Ordinance 18835, Section 62, Proviso P3, is hereby acknowledged.