Meeting Name: Metropolitan King County Council Agenda status: Final Without Extra Items
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final Without Extra Items  
Meeting location: Hybrid Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2025-0055 26OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE authorizing the manager of treasury operations of King County to cancel the attached list of uncollectible personal property taxes in the amount of $3,136,926 for the years 2016 through 2024.PassedPass Action details Not available
2025-0011 17MotionA MOTION confirming the appointment of Aaron Parker as director of the community corrections division within the department of adult and juvenile detention.PassedPass Action details Not available
2025-0084 18OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE relating to the Lower Duwamish Waterway cleanup and authorizing the King County executive to sign and fulfill the obligations in the Consent Decree with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington state Department of Ecology and the associated multiparty Settlements to govern the cleanup of sediment contamination at the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site and address King County and other parties' roles, contributions, and obligations for cleanup.Introduced and Referred  Action details Not available
2025-0059 19MotionA MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Alissa Campbell, who works in council district eight, to the King County solid waste advisory committee, as a representative from the waste management industry.Introduced and Referred  Action details Not available