File #: 2024-0233    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 8/20/2024 In control: Hearing Examiner
On agenda: Final action: 11/26/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #: 19869
Title: AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed valuation for open space submitted by Denis Lopes Monteiro and Michelle Pedersen for property located at a portion of 190th Avenue SE/Gioranni Vitarelli Rd/Rd No.1592, Renton, WA, designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. V-2751.
Sponsors: Dave Upthegrove
Indexes: Vacation
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 19869, 2. A. Hearing Examiner Report dated September 24, 2024, 3. 2024-0233 DNRP Staff Report, 4. 2024-0233 transmittal letter, 5. 2024-0223 Department of Local Services Road Services Division County Road Engineer Report on Vacation Petition V-2751, 6. 2024-0223 Fiscal Note (2023-2024), 7. 2024-0223 Proposed Right-of-Way Vacation V-2751 Map, 8. 2024-0223 Legislative Review Form, 9. 2024-0233 Seattle Times - $610.00 - 09-03-24 Order 84013 (1545)
Related files: 2024-0411
Clerk 11/18/2024
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed valuation for open space submitted by Denis Lopes Monteiro and Michelle Pedersen for property located at a portion of 190th Avenue SE/Gioranni Vitarelli Rd/Rd No.1592, Renton, WA, designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. V-2751.
1. A petition has been filed requesting vacation of a portion of 190th Ave SE/Gioranni Vitarelli Rd/Rd No. 1592 in the Renton area of unincorporated King County, hereinafter described.
2. The department of local services notified utility companies serving the area and King County departments of the proposed vacation. Cedar River Water and Sewer District has an easement over the vacation area; no other agency or utility requested identified a need for an easement over the vacation area. The vacation does not extinguish the rights of any utility company to any existing easements for facilities or equipment within the vacation area.
3. The department of local services's records indicate that this segment of right of way is unopened and unmaintained. The portion of right of way is crossed by a private road easement. An easement for ingress and egress across a portion of the subject right of way in favor of the properties using the private road easement is necessary to preserve access.
4. The department of local services considers the subject portion of right of way useless as part of the county road system and believes the public would benefit by the return of this segment of right of way to the public tax rolls and recommends approval of the vacation.
5. Pursuant to K.C.C. 14.40.020 and RCW 36.87.120, the value of the vacation area is offset by the costs to King County to manage and maintain this segment of unopened right of way and the present value of future property tax resu...

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