Clerk 02/05/2024
A MOTION authorizing the chair of the King County council to sign a letter of concurrence to the Washington state Department of Natural Resources related to the state legislature's natural climate solutions proviso transfer of parcels at West Tiger Mountain.
WHEREAS, the Washington state Department of Natural Resources has set aside 2,000 acres of structurally complex, carbon dense forestland across the state as part of the Legislature's Natural Climate Solutions proviso, and
WHEREAS, on December 18, 2023, the Washington state Department of Natural Resources notified the King County council and King County executive that 292 acres in West Tiger Mountain in King County were identified as candidates to be transferred out of trust status after replacement land has been identified, of which 136 acres are State Forest Transfer trust, and
WHEREAS, the Washington state Department of Natural Resources needs written concurrence on the parcels from the legislative authority of the county before the state moves forward with transfer of replacement parcels, and
WHEREAS, on November 9, 2023, the King County executive provided a letter of support to the Washington state Department of Natural Resources, and
WHEREAS, on January 16, 2024, the Washington state Department of Natural Resources wrote to the King County council and King County executive requesting a letter of concurrence as soon as practicable;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The chair of the King County council is authorized to sign the letter of concurrence attached as Attachment A to this motion.