Clerk 4/15/2007
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to sell to the city of Kenmore portions of two unimproved county-owned parcels on the Burke-Gilman trail, along with the granting of slope and wall easements, for Kenmore's SR 522 corridor improvements project, located within council district one.
SECTION 1. Findings.
A. The department of natural resources and parks is the custodian of two parcels within the city of Kenmore that comprise part of the Burke-Gilman trail. Kenmore has requested to obtain certain property rights within those parcels in conjunction with the city's SR 522 Corridor Improvements Project, scheduled to commence in spring of 2007. The SR 522 corridor improvements project will utilize both state highway right-of-way and King County Burke-Gilman trail right-of-way for road improvements.
B. Because a portion of the Burke-Gilman trail corridor is located adjacent to SR 522, some trail segments will be redeveloped by the project to address potential impacts from the closer proximity of the widened highway. These trail improvements will be completed concurrently with the highway project. They will follow county regional trail development guidelines to yield wider, smoother trail surfaces and new landscaping along the affected corridor. In addition, a new trail underpass will be constructed beneath 73rd Avenue NE, allowing for continued safe passage of cyclists and pedestrians.
C. Kenmore wishes to purchase 21,728 square feet from assessor's parcel number 122604-9014, and 5,166 square feet from assessor's parcel number 112604-9008 for expansion of right-of-way. In addition, a slope and drainage easement for 579 and a retaining wall easement for 480 square feet are also requested from assessor's parcel number 122604-9014.
D. On December 1, 2006, the department of natural resources and parks declared portions of assessor's parcel numbers ...
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