File #: 2007-0049    Version:
Type: Motion Status: Passed
File created: 1/22/2007 In control: Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/5/2007
Enactment date: 2/5/2007 Enactment #: 12451
Title: A MOTION adopting the 2007 work program for the operating budget, fiscal management and mental health committee.
Sponsors: Bob Ferguson
Indexes: Budget, Committees, Mental Health
Attachments: 1. 12451.pdf, 2. 2007-0049 REVISED Staff Report.doc, 3. 2007-0049 Staff Report 1-24-07.doc, 4. A. Metropolitan King County Council Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee 2007 Work Program, 5. A. Metropolitan King County Council Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee 2007 Work Program - Revised 1-24-07, 6. A. Metropolitan King County Council Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee 2007 Work Program - Revised 1-24-07
Clerk 1/24/2007
A MOTION adopting the 2007 work program for the operating budget, fiscal management and mental health committee.
      WHEREAS, the operating budget, fiscal management and mental health committee is charged with:  reviewing and monitoring of the operating budget, including financial plans, revenues, expenditures, quarterly reports and operating programs; monitoring the financial status of county funds; considering and making recommendations on supplemental appropriations; and considering and making recommendations on debt and investment proposals, levies, fees and taxes, and
      WHEREAS, the committee shall also consider and make recommendations on municipal annexations and incorporations and on all briefings and actions related to Motion 12320 regarding mental health, chemical dependency and therapeutic court services and the mental health recovery, and
      WHEREAS, King County continues to experience financial challenges in its current expense and other funds, and
      WHEREAS, the committee has, therefore, developed a work plan for 2007 to facilitate its review of budgets, financial policies and plans, annexations, debt and investments and mental health issues and its development of policy options and recommendations on these and other issues, and
      WHEREAS, the committee seeks to be fully transparent and accountable to the public for its work program, and
      WHEREAS, the committee seeks full council involvement in and support for its work program;
      NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
      The operating budget, fiscal management and mental health committee's 2007 work program, as attached to this motion, is hereby adopted.
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