File #: 2006-0558    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/6/2006 In control: Operating Budget, Fiscal Management and Mental Health Committee
On agenda: Final action: 2/5/2007
Enactment date: 2/15/2007 Enactment #: 15681
Title: AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city of Renton relating to the timing and annexation incentive fund transfers to be committed to future annexation of the city's remaining annexation areas and calling for the negotiation of additional interlocal agreements to confirm these commitments.
Sponsors: Dow Constantine
Indexes: Annexations, Interlocal Agreement, Renton, City of
Attachments: 1. 15681.pdf, 2. 2006-0558 Fiscal Analysis.doc, 3. 2006-0558 Fiscal Note.XLS, 4. 2006-0558 Revised Staff Report.doc, 5. 2006-0558 Staff Report 01-10-07.doc, 6. 2006-0558 Staff Report1-24-2006.doc, 7. 2006-0558 Transmittal Letter.doc, 8. A. Interlocal Agreement between the City of Renton and King County
Staff: Hamacher, Patrick
Clerk 11/7/2006
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city of Renton relating to the timing and annexation incentive fund transfers to be committed to future annexation of the city's remaining annexation areas and calling for the negotiation of additional interlocal agreements to confirm these commitments.
1.  King County's Annexation Initiative encourages the expedited annexation of all remaining urban unincorporated areas in order to achieve both financial stability in the current expense fund, and the regional land use vision set forth in the countywide planning policies.
2.  The city of Renton ("the city") has several large potential annexation areas ("PAAs"), located to the east, west and south of the city with an estimated combined population of over sixty thousand residents.
3.  The city and county have negotiated an interlocal agreement related to the annexation of the city's East Renton Plateau annexation, calling for the annexation of the "Preserve Our Plateau Annexation" area by March 1, 2007, subject to voter approval and further calling for the city's continued efforts to secure annexation of remaining areas of the East Renton Plateau PAA in the near term.
4.  A large portion of the city's Fairwood potential annexation area was subject to a failed incorporation vote in September 2006.  The territory proposed for incorporation is referred to as the "Fairwood Community PAA."  The city is willing to annex the Fairwood Community PAA if the voters of the area so approve.
5.  In June 2006, the city secured approval from the King County boundary review board for a petition annexation of an area within the city's Fairwood PAA to the East and South of the Fairwood Community PAA along State Route 169, referred to as the "Maplewood Addition PAA."  The city intends to take action to annex this area effective January 1, 2006.
6.  A group of residents living in the portion of the Fairwood PAA to the west and south of the Fairwood Community PAA, known as the "Benson Hill/Cascade PAA" are currently engaged in building community support for annexation to the city, which effort is being supported by the city and county.
7.  In 2005, the city designated the entire island of previously unclaimed unincorporated area to its west as the city's "West Hill PAA."  Since late 2004, the city and the county have been engaged in an outreach to residents of this area encouraging annexation to the city.
8.  To support the city's ongoing annexation efforts and assure that annexation incentive funds are set aside for the city upon its timely annexation of the West Hill PAA, Fairwood Community PAA and Benson Hill/Cascade PAA (collectively "the remaining PAAs"), the city and the county desire to enter into an interlocal agreement confirming the schedule on which the city will seek voter approval of annexation of the remaining PAAs and the amount of annexation incentive funds the county will contribute to the city in consideration of relieving the county of the burden of providing local government services to the remaining PAAs.
9.  The interlocal agreement relating to the remaining PAAs provides that the city and the county will, as a condition of any transfer of annexation incentive funds, negotiate a separate interlocal agreement specific to each of the remaining PAAs that provides, among other things, for the transfer of local parks and surface water management properties and facilities to the city.  These agreements have not yet been negotiated, but are anticipated to be completed in 2007.
      SECTION 1.  The county executive is hereby authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement, substantially in the form of Attachment A to this ordinance, with the city of Renton to confirm the schedule of annexation elections and effective dates and the county's commitment to provide annexation incentive funds with respect to each of the remaining PAAs subject to subsequent negotiation of specific interlocal agreements for each of remaining PAAs.