Clerk 10/03/2019
AN ORDINANCE approving the 2018 Tacoma water system plan.
1. King County has adopted K.C.C. chapter 13.24, which requires approval of comprehensive plans for water utilities that distribute or obtain water in unincorporated King County as a prerequisite for operating in unincorporated King County, receiving approval for annexation proposals, being granted right-of-way franchises, and being given approval for right-of-way construction permits. K.C.C. 13.24.060 prescribes the requirements for approval of such plans, including consistency with state and local planning requirements.
2. The city's previous water system plan was prepared in 2011.
3. The city's service area includes a portion of unincorporated King County and the city has adopted a water system plan ("the plan").
4. King County has adopted a comprehensive plan that includes water supply policies in its provisions for facilities and services (policies F-101 through F-254) that call for consistency with other adopted plans, support for regional water supply planning, pursuit of reclaimed water, water conservation and protection of water resources.
5. K.C.C. chapter 13.24 requires the utilities technical review committee to review and make a recommendation to the King County executive and council on the plan and the requirements under K.C.C. chapter 13.24 and consistency with the King County Comprehensive Plan. The utilities technical review committee has reviewed the planning data and city operations and has found:
a. The plan uses population and employment forecasts developed by the Puget Sound Regional Council for the city's service area;
b. Portions of the city's service area are in unincorporated King County;
c. The capital facility plan is adequate to meet anticipated facility and service needs;
d. The plan is consistent with applicable Washington state water quality laws; and
e. The plan is consistent with other pertinent county adopted plans and policies.
6. The Washington state Department of Health approval is pending upon King County's approval of the plan.
7. Under the state Environmental Policy Act the city issued a determination of nonsignificance for the plan on June 1, 2018. There were no appeals.
8. The city's operations and facilities meet multiple existing statutory, administrative and planning standards. As the city's operations, facilities and planning meet the requirements of the King County Code and are consistent with the King County Comprehensive Plan, the utilities technical review committee has recommended approval of the plan.
SECTION 1. The 2018 Tacoma water system plan, Attachment A to this ordinance, is hereby approved as a water system plan.