Clerk 08/16/2017
AN ORDINANCE relating to permitting and zoning; and amending Ordinance 10870, Section 578, as amended, and K.C.C 21A.38.050.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 10870, Section 578, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.38.050 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
A. The purpose of the pedestrian-oriented commercial development special district overlay is to provide for high-density, pedestrian-oriented retail/employment uses. Pedestrian-oriented commercial district shall only be established in areas designated within a community, subarea, or neighborhood plan as an urban activity center and zoned CB, RB or O.
B. Permitted uses shall be those uses permitted in the underlying zone, excluding the following:
1. Motor vehicle, boat and mobile home dealer;
2. Gasoline service station;
3. Drive-through retail and service uses, except SIC Industry Number 5812 (Eating places) in buildings existing before July 2017;
4. Car washes;
5. Retail and service uses with outside storage, e.g. lumber yards, miscellaneous equipment rental or machinery sales;
6. Wholesale uses;
7. Recreation/cultural uses as set forth in K.C.C. 21A.08.040, except parks, sports clubs, theaters, libraries and museums;
8. SIC Major Group 75 (Automotive repair, services and parking) except 7521 (automobile parking; but excluding tow-in parking lots);
9. SIC Major Group 76 (Miscellaneous repair services), except 7631 (Watch, clock and jewelry repair);
10. SIC Major Group 78 (Motion pictures), except 7832 (theater) and 7841 (video tape rental);
11. SIC Major Group 80 (Health services), except offices and outpatient clinics (801-804);
12. SIC Industry Group 421 (Trucking and courier service);
13. Public agency archives;
14. Self-service storage;
15. Manufacturing land uses as set forth in K.C.C. 21A.08.080, except 2759 (Commercial printing); and
16. Resource land uses as se...
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