Clerk 11/14/2007
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the levy collection and legislative policies of an additional sales and use tax of one-tenth of one percent for the delivery of mental health and chemical dependency services, and therapeutic courts with collections to begin consistent with RCW 82.14.055; and adding a new chapter to K.C.C. Title 4.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. In 2005, recognizing the need for additional mental health and chemical dependency programs, the state legislature authorized counties to implement a one-tenth of one percent sales tax to support new or expanded chemical dependency or mental health treatment services and for the operation of new or expanded therapeutic court programs. The 2008 executive proposed budget proposes establishing the sales tax to fund the programs outlined in the Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Action Plan accepted by Motion 12598.
B. In July 2006, Motion 12320 called for a mental illness and drug dependency action plan. The plan was to include: a prevalence study of the individuals with mental illness and chemical dependency involved in the criminal justice, emergency services and homeless services systems; a review of current county programs, and strategies for addressing the issues and problems of the mentally ill and substance abusing populations recycling through jail, emergency medical and homelessness systems consistent with the goals of Motion 12320. The council acknowledged receipt of the action plan by accepting it with Motion 12598 on October 8, 2007.
C. The intent of the sales tax and the programs funded by it is to fund new or expanded mental health and substance abuse programs and the operation of new or expanded therapeutic court programs. These programs are to enable the implementation of a full continuum of treatment, housing and case management services that focus on the prevention and reduction of chronic homelessne...
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