Clerk 05/03/2011
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to enter into an interlocal agreement with the city of Sammamish to implement a regional program to transfer development rights from lands in priority King County rural areas into the city of Sammamish Town Center Subarea.
1. King County adopted a transfer of development rights program ("the TDR program") in 2001 to permanently preserve rural and resource lands by transferring rural development potential into existing incorporated and unincorporated urban areas; since 2001, the TDR program has protected 141,535 acres of rural and resource lands.
2. King County has worked with the city of Sammamish to develop a means by which King County transfers of development rights ("TDRs") may be used for increased density within the Sammamish Town Center Subarea to achieve conservation of rural lands outside the countywide Urban Growth Boundary.
3. King County's 2007 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 15652, appropriated conservation futures tax levy ("CFT") funding for the TDR program, through CFT project numbers 315600 and 315620, to provide amenity funds to cities that act as receiving sites for rural TDRs. These funds are designated for the acquisition of open space in cities as part of TDR interlocal agreements to create economic incentives for cities to accept additional density and simultaneously protect King County's rural and resource areas.
4. The city of Sammamish, by Ordinance 02011-297, recently amended its Land Use Code to allow the Sammamish Town Center Subarea to be a receiving site for King County TDRs, subject to an adopted interlocal agreement with King County that will provide the city with $375,000 in CFT funds as a critical financial incentive for the city to accept rural development rights and help the city create open space and park amenities in the city's neighborhood where TDR related development is occurring.
5. King County and the cities ...
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