Clerk 12/27/2024
A MOTION approving the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Inclusion Strategy Update Report from the King County Executive in relation to the King County gender identity and sexual orientation inclusion task force.
WHEREAS, Motion 15162 requires that the executive develop a comprehensive report based on the work of the task force, including recommendations on the steps the county can take in addressing gender equity and sexual orientation inclusion within administrative processes and paperwork, and
WHEREAS, the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Inclusion Strategy Update Report includes a status update on the recommendations generated by the task force, and
WHEREAS, the council's approval of the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Inclusion Strategy Update Report does not appropriate funds that will require separate action by the council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Inclusion Update Report, which is Attachment A to this motion and complies with Motion 15162, is hereby approved.