Clerk 04/28/2016
AN ORDINANCE creating lake management district No. 2 in the Lake Geneva watershed; and declaring an emergency.
1. Ordinance 18102 adopted a resolution of intention to form lake management district No. 2 in the Lake Geneva watershed and set a public hearing on the formation of the proposed district.
2. Ordinance 18228 adopted a resolution submitting the question of creating lake management district No. 2 to the owners of land within the proposed district, and adopted a lake management plan.
3. The lake management plan calls for the county to administer the lake management district, with the County to be reimbursed from the proposed assessments.
4. In accordance with state law, ballots were mailed out on March 1, 2016, and ballots received by 5:00 p.m. on March 31, 2016, were counted. 5. The county received a total of 4,565 ballots with 3,895 votes in favor of formation, and 670 votes opposed to formation; those votes in favor of formation exceed eight-five percent.
6. RCW 36.61.100 requires that when a simple majority vote in favor of creating the lake management district, the council adopt an ordinance creating the district.
SECTION 1. Findings: This ordinance must be enacted as an emergency ordinance in order to allow the district to immediately begin operations so as to begin a work program and obtain funding for its work program for 2016.
SECTION 2. Lake management district No. 2 is hereby created. The boundaries of the district include all lakeside parcels to Lake Geneva, as set forth in Attachment A to this ordinance. The duration of the district shall be 2016 through 2026. The activities to be financed by the district shall be those described in the lake management plan adopted by Ordinance 18228.
SECTION 3. Special assessments of $14,500 shall be collected annually to finance the district activities for ten years, wit...
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