Clerk 07/13/2017
AN ORDINANCE that adopts the 2018 Annual Budget and makes appropriations for the capital improvements for the Harborview Medical Center.
1. The Hospital Services Agreement between the Harborview Medical Center, the University of Washington and King County dated February 25, 2016, establishes a process for the development of the annual capital improvement budget for the Medical Center.
2. Consistent with that Agreement the Harborview building repair and replacement budget for 2018 is proposed for King County Council adoption following the recommendations of the Capital Project Oversight Committee in April of 2017 and the approval of the 2018 budget by the Harborview Board of Trustees in May of 2017.
SECTION 1. The 2018 Annual Budget for the Harborview Medical Center capital improvement budget is proposed and, subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth and the several amounts hereinafter specified or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, appropriations are hereby authorized to be distributed for salaries, wages and other expenses of the Harborview Medical Center building repair and replacement fund, for capital improvements, and for other specified purposes for 2018.
SECTION 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - The capital budget and program for 2018-2023 is incorporated as Attachment A to this ordinance. The executive is hereby authorized to execute any utility easements, bill of sale or related documents necessary for the provision of utility services to the capital projects described in Attachment A to this ordinance, but only if the documents are reviewed and approved by the real estate services section of the facilities management division, and the prosecuting attorney's office. Consistent with the requirements of the Growth Management Act, Attachment A to this ordinance was reviewed and evaluated accordin...
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