Clerk 12/02/2010
A MOTION adopting the Factoria Recycling and Transfer Station 2010 Facility Master Plan.
WHEREAS, K.C.C. 4.04.210 requires the King County council to review, amend, defer or adopt operational master plans, facility master plans, facility program plans, capital improvement program ("CIP") project cost elements, schedules and total budget in the annual CIP budget or amendments thereto pursuant to the provisions of the King County Charter, and
WHEREAS, the 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, RTS 3, directs the county to focus capital investment to:
1. Maintain the county's solid waste transfer system facilities in a safe condition for both the system's customers and employees;
2. Upgrade its transfer system to serve a future waste export system when the Cedar Hills regional landfill reaches its permitted capacity, or at such earlier time as the county may decide;
3. Improve transfer stations to improve efficiency, capacity and customer service; and
4. Expand, relocate or replace or any combination thereof, transfer stations when safety, efficiency, capacity or customer services needs cannot be met by existing transfer facilities, and
WHEREAS, the 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, RTS 12, designates the Factoria recycling and transfer station as capable of being expanded on its current site in order to provide a full range of solid waste disposal and recycling services for county residents and businesses, and
WHEREAS, the solid waste division of the department of natural resources and parks worked collaboratively with the King County solid waste advisory committee and the metropolitan solid waste management advisory committee on the development of the Solid Waste Transfer and Waste Management Plan, and
WHEREAS, the King County council adopted the Solid Waste Transfer and Waste Management Plan in December 2007, and
WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Transfer and Waste Management Plan recommends...
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