AN ORDINANCE prohibiting the executive from encumbering or expending any public funds for supervised drug consumption sites until the results of Initiative 27 are certified.
1. Section 230.50 of the King County Charter specifies a county initiative process whereby the public may propose a county ordinance by filing with the council the required number of signed petitions from registered county voters.
2. A county initiative proposing a prohibition of supervised drug consumption sites and on the expenditure of public funds for such site, Initiative 27, has been proposed.
3. On April 17, 2017, in accordance with Section 230.50 of the King County Charter, the clerk of the council received the form of Initiative 27.
4. On July 24, 2017, 64,557 signatures were filed for Initiative 27 by the initiative's sponsor with the clerk of the council.
5. The county currently has plans for two supervised drug consumption sites.
6. Expenditure of funds for supervised drug consumption sites before certification of the election called for by Initiative 27 could result in significant waste of public funds.
SECTION 1. For the purposes of this section, "supervised drug consumption site" means any building, structure, site, facility, or program with a function of providing a space or area for the use, consumption, or injection of heroin or any other controlled substance listed in Schedule I by RCW 69.50.204, except for those substances which may be possessed in accordance with RCW 69.50.4013.
SECTION 2. The county shall not expend or encumber any funds for registration, licensing, construction, acquisition, transfer, authorization, use, or operation of supervised drug consumption sites until after the certification of the results of a special election to approve and ratify or reject Initiative 27.