AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the King County Strategic Plan, 2010-2014 and establishing actions necessary for the implementation of the plan.
1. The people of King County have called for government to clearly identify the services it delivers relative to their priorities and how those services are being efficiently delivered.
2. The nature of government service delivery and customer expectations are changing at rapid rates, and government needs to establish mechanisms to keep faith with public expectations for a relevant and accessible government.
3. King County has an unsustainable service delivery environment resulting from statutorily limited revenues and service delivery costs greater than the annual rate of inflation. As such, King County needs to take actions to prioritize the services it can deliver; collaboratively engage its workforce and partners to address our challenges; and identify sustainable solutions to ensure that the priorities of the people can be efficiently delivered.
4. In 2002, the metropolitan King County council adopted Motion 11561, which encouraged the executive to broaden and deepen the use of performance measurement throughout county government. Annually, thereafter, the council has taken formal action strengthen the accountability and transparency of King County government. These actions led to the establishment of a performance management and accountability system through Ordinance 16202.
5. K.C.C. chapter 2.10, as established in Ordinance 16202, requires the development of a countywide strategic plan to guide the ongoing and proposed activities of the county.
6. The county has engaged in a multiyear effort to engage the public, county employees, regional partners and county elected leaders to identify the priorities of King County government and incorporate them into a countywide strategic plan.
7. Development and implementation of a first countywide strategic plan is an adaptive pr...
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