Clerk 08/17/2017
AN ORDINANCE providing for the submission of Initiative 27 (Proposed Ordinance 2017-XXXX) to the qualified electors of King County at a special election to be held in King County on November 7, 2017; and declaring an emergency.
1. Section 230.50 of the King County Charter specifies a county initiative process whereby the public may propose a county ordinance by filing with the council petitions containing the required number of signatures of registered county voters.
2. A county initiative proposing a prohibition on supervised drug consumption sites and the expenditure of public funds for such activities, Initiative 27, has been filed.
3. On April 17, 2017, in accordance with Section 230.50 of the King County Charter, the clerk of the council received the form of Initiative 27.
4. On July 24, 2017, 64,557 signatures were filed for Initiative 27 by the initiative's sponsor with the clerk of the council.
5. The department of elections has transmitted to the council a certified copy of the facts relating to the filing of the petition and the canvass of signatures determining that there are sufficient valid signatures to qualify the initiative ordinance. As a result, the ordinance has been introduced as Proposed Ordinance 2017-XXXX.
SECTION 1. Findings:
A. The county currently has plans to begin implementing two safe consumption sites that would be prohibited should the initiative pass.
B. Action now is required to permit Initiative 27 to be placed on the November 7, 2017, ballot for a decision by the voters of the county, in order to prevent the larger amount of possibly wasted expenditure of resources on planning and implementation of supervised drug consumption sites that would occur should the voters approve the ordinance sites at a later special election date.
SECTION 2. The council hereby determines that:
A. It will not enact the ordinance ...
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