File #: 2024-0204    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 6/25/2024 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 8/20/2024
Enactment date: 8/27/2024 Enactment #: 19805
Title: AN ORDINANCE relating to solid waste fees charged at recycling and transfer facilities, at the Cedar Hills regional landfill, and for construction and demolition waste disposed at landfills by construction and demolition receiving facilities; and amending Ordinance 12564, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C.10.12.021 and Ordinance 18166, Section 5, and K.C.C.4A.670.300 and establishing an effective date.
Sponsors: Girmay Zahilay
Indexes: Cedar Hills, Fees, Solid Waste
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 19805, 2. A. Proposed Solid Waste Disposal Fees for 2025, 3. 2024-0204 transmittal letter, 4. 2024-0204 Fiscal Note, 5. MSWAC Letter, 6. SWAC Letter, 7. 2024-0204 Legislative Review Form, 8. 2024-0204_SR_Solid Waste Fee Ordinance v2
Staff: Rose, Terra


Clerk 06/17/2024


AN ORDINANCE relating to solid waste fees charged at recycling and transfer facilities, at the Cedar Hills regional landfill, and for construction and demolition waste disposed at landfills by construction and demolition receiving facilities; and amending Ordinance 12564, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C.10.12.021 and Ordinance 18166, Section 5, and K.C.C.4A.670.300 and establishing an effective date.



1.  The solid waste division of the department of natural resources and parks provides essential public services that protect human health, the environment, and the quality of life in our region.

2.  The solid waste division operates the Cedar Hills regional landfill, eight transfer stations, and two drop boxes.  It also provides innovative programs to help customers prevent and recycle waste.

3.  The department of natural resources and parks is proposing to change the rate solid waste collection entity per-ton-rate vehicles are charged for disposal of municipal solid waste from $150.83 to $165.91 per ton, effective January 1, 2025.

4.  The department of natural resources and parks is proposing to increase the fixed-annual charge for disposal of municipal solid waste from $22,614,181 to $23,337,835 effective January 1, 2025.

5.  The impact on the average single-family household with garbage collection would be approximately ninety-three cents per month in 2025.

6.  The department of natural resources and parks is proposing to increase the tip fee surcharge for construction and demolition wastes generated in the county's jurisdiction and disposed by construction and demolition receiving facilities at landfills from $4.25 a ton to $13.00 a ton effective January 1, 2025.

7.  Fee increases for 2025 enable the solid waste division of the department of natural resources and parks to maintain essential solid waste disposal and recycling services and generate the revenue needed to carry out programmatic responsibilities required under adopted policies.


                     SECTION 1.  Ordinance 12564, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C.10.12.021 are hereby amended as follows:

                     Except as otherwise provided in K.C.C. 10.04.020 and 10.12.058, all persons using county-operated solid waste transfer stations, drop boxes and Cedar Hills regional landfill shall pay the service fees in the following schedules:

                     A.  Fees for the use of solid waste facilities with scales, excluding Cedar Hills, shall be:

                       1.  Solid waste disposal:

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         (($29.65)) $32.60

                                                                                                                                                                                             per entry

                                          Solid waste collection entity per-ton-rate

                                          vehicles                                                                                                                              (($150.83)) $165.91

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Self-hauler per-ton-rate vehicles                                                               (($185.28)) $203.81

                                                                                                                                                                                              per ton

                                          Charitable organizations                                                                                    (($142.67)) $156.93

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Minimum                                                                                                                              (($29.65)) $32.60 per


                                          Charitable organizations, minimum charge                     (($22.83)) $25.12 per entry

                       2.  Deposit of source-separated yard waste, clean wood waste, or any combination thereof:

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $18.00per


                                          Per-ton-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $115.00

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Minimum charge                                                                                                         $18.00 per


                       3.  Deposit of major appliances:

                                          Major appliances with refrigerants                                                               $30.00 per unit

                       4.  Deposit of mattresses:

                                          Mattresses                                                                                                                              $30.00 per unit; and

                       5.  Qualified low-income customers shall receive fee discounts of (($16.00)) $18.00 per entry for deposit of solid waste, yard waste, clean wood waste appliances and mattresses.  Customers with mixed loads must separate and deposit materials with sequential visits to the scale house to receive a discount on the individual waste types.

                     B.  Each billing entity in the solid waste system will pay a share of the fixed-annual charge.  The share each billing entity pays, for each service area it serves, is directly proportional to the total tons of municipal solid waste, deposited by solid waste collection entities at county-operated solid waste facilities in the most recent calendar year for which data is available, as shown in the following formula:

                       1.  W = X * (Y / Z), where:

                         a.  W is the billing entity's share in dollars of the fixed-annual charge for a specific service area;

                         b.  X is the total amount of the fixed-annual charge for the calendar year;

                         c.  Y is the number of tons of municipal solid waste from a specific service area of the billing entity that is deposited at county-operated solid waste facilities in the most recent calendar year for which data is available; and

                         d.  Z is the total number of tons of municipal solid waste from all service areas deposited at county-operated solid waste facilities by all solid waste collection entities in the most recent calendar year for which data is available, excluding regional direct tons.

                       2.  Beginning January 1, ((2024)) 2025, the fixed-annual charge is (($22,614,181)) $23,337,835.

                     C.  Fees for the use of solid waste facilities without scales shall be based upon the cubic yard or fraction thereof as follows:

                       1.  Solid waste disposal:

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         (($29.65)) $32.60 per


                                          Per-ton-rate vehicles:

                                          Compacted wastes                                                                                                         (($53.73)) $59.10

                                                                                                                                                                                             per cubic yard

                                          Uncompacted wastes                                                                                                         (($31.50)) $34.65 per

                                                                                                                                                                                             cubic yard

                                          Minimum charge                                                                                                         (($29.65)) $32.60 per


                       2.  Deposit of source-separated yard waste, clean wood waste or any combination thereof:

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $18.00 per


                                          Per-ton-rate vehicles:

                                          Compacted wastes                                                                                                         $33.35 per

                                                                                                                                                                                             cubic yard

                                          Uncompacted wastes                                                                                                         $19.55 per

                                                                                                                                                                                             cubic yard

                                          Minimum charge                                                                                                         $18.00 per


                       3.  Qualified low-income customers shall receive fee discounts of (($16.00)) $18.00 per entry for deposit of solid waste, yard waste, clean wood waste, appliances and mattresses.  Customers with mixed loads must separate and deposit materials with sequential visits to the scale house to receive a discount on the individual waste types.

                     D.  Fees at the Cedar Hills regional landfill shall be:

                                          Cedar Hills Regional Direct                                                                                    (($157.00)) $163.05

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Solid waste collection entity per-ton-rate

                                          vehicles                                                                                                                              (($150.83)) $165.91

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Per-ton-mattress                                                                                                         $1,090.00 per ton

                     Disposal by other vehicles is at the discretion of the division director.

                     E.  A moderate-risk waste surcharge shall be added to all solid waste disposed by nonsolid waste collection entities using county operated solid waste facilities.  The fee schedule is as follows:

                       1.  For facilities with scales:

                                          Per-ton-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $5.84 per ton

                                          Minimum charge                                                                                                         $2.23 per entry

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $2.23 per entry

                       2.  For facilities without scales:

                                          Compacted                                                                                                                              $1.28 per cubic yard

                                          Uncompacted                                                                                                                              $0.73 per cubic yard

                                          Minimum charge                                                                                                         $2.23 per entry

                                          Fixed-rate vehicles                                                                                                         $2.23 per entry

                     F.  As determined by the division director, a special waste fee shall be charged for special waste including asbestos-containing waste material and other wastes requiring clearances in accordance with King County Board of Health Code Title 10 or rules adopted by the department.  The fee schedule is as follows:

                                          Special waste fee                                                                                                         (($223.00)) $244.57

                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Special waste fee minimum charge                                                               (($35.68)) $39.09 per


                                          Special waste fee, extra handling                                                               (($259.00)) $285.33



                                                                                                                                                                                             per ton

                                          Special waste fee, extra handling

                                          minimum charge                                                                                                         (($41.44)) $45.61 per


                     G.  In the absence of exact weights or measurements, the estimate by the division director is binding upon the user.

                     H.  The division director may establish fees for handling and processing of recyclable materials for which no other fee has been established by ordinance.  The fees need not recover the full cost of handling and processing.

                     SECTION 2.  Ordinance 18166, Section 5, and K.C.C.4A.670.300 are hereby amended as follows:

                     The fee imposed on the disposal of C&D wastes generated in the county's jurisdiction under K.C.C. 10.30.050 is ((four dollars and twenty-five cents)) thirteen dollars per ton.  All fee amounts remitted to the solid waste division shall be deposited in a subfund within the solid waste operating fund established in K.C.C. 4A.200.700, to be used for the purposes stated in K.C.C. 10.30.050.

                     SECTION 3.  This ordinance takes effect January 1, 2025.