A MOTION accepting the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) 2022 Work Plan and Budget, prepared as the annual work plan and budget requested under Motion 14449.
WHEREAS, confronting climate change through effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate requires an integrated countywide effort involving public, private and non-governmental partnerships, and
WHEREAS, the King County executive and council unanimously adopted the 2020 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan, and
WHEREAS, the 2020 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan supports progress toward achieving the countywide goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by fifty percent by 2030, and
WHEREAS, King County will continue to play a key role in the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration, whose members represent more than eighty percent of the population of the county, and which lays out a shared countywide vision for reducing health- and environment-threatening greenhouse gas emissions upon which the 2020 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan is built, and
WHEREAS, the 2020 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan strengthens the county's strategy to prepare for the impacts of a changing climate on local communities, infrastructure, economy, public health and safety and the natural environment, and
WHEREAS, the 2020 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan is developed with an environmental justice framework in partnership with frontline communities disproportionately impacted by climate change and in a manner consistent with Ordinance 16948, which establishes the county's fair and just principle, and
WHEREAS, consistent with Ordinance 17285, which authorized the interlocal agreement for the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration, and with Motion 14449, which adopted the 2015 King County Strategic Climate Action Plan, the executive was requested to coordinate with staff of the transportation, economy and environment committee, or its successor, in developing the annual work plans and budget for the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration under the interlocal agreement, and
WHEREAS, Motion 14449 also requested that the executive submit by January 31, 2016, and every year thereafter, the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration annual work plan and budget to the council for acceptance by motion;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:
The King County-Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) 2022 Work Plan and
Budget, which is Attachment A to this motion and prepared as the annual work plan and budget as requested by Motion 14449, is hereby accepted.