File #: 2001-0555    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/13/2001 In control: Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
On agenda: Final action: 12/10/2001
Enactment date: 12/13/2001 Enactment #: 14270
Title: AN ORDINANCE creating the geographic information systems fund, classified as an internal service fund, for the purpose of accounting for financial resources for the full costing of operating, maintaining and enhancing automated geographic information systems that serve both county agencies and external customers; providing for the transfer of geographic information systems assets from the information and telecommunication - data processing fund; amending Ordinance 12076, section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.025, as amended, and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 4.08.
Sponsors: Rob McKenna, Larry Phillips
Indexes: Funds
Code sections: 4.08.025 -
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 14270.pdf, 2. 2001-0555 fiscal note.DOC, 3. 2001-0555 transmittal letter.doc, 4. Revised Staff Report 12/5/01.doc
Related files: 2021-0328
clerk 11/8/01
AN ORDINANCE creating the geographic information systems fund, classified as an internal service fund, for the purpose of accounting for financial resources for the full costing of operating, maintaining and enhancing automated geographic information systems that serve both county agencies and external customers; providing for the transfer of geographic information systems assets from the information and telecommunication - data processing fund; amending Ordinance 12076, section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.025, as amended, and adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 4.08.
Due to the reorganization of the county's geographic information systems resources into an internal services section within the department of natural resources and parks, it is desirable to create a new geographic information systems internal services fund for the purpose of accounting for financial resources for the full costing of operating, maintaining and enhancing automated geographic information systems.
Effective January 1, 2002, accumulated undesignated fund balance of two hundred fifty thousand dollars is hereby transferred from the information and telecommunication - data processing fund to the geographic information systems fund.
This represents the estimated share of the information and telecommunication - data processing fund's undesignated fund balance that has been contributed by geographic information systems operations.
      SECTION 1.  Ordinance 12076, section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.025 are each hereby amended to read as follows:
      Second tier funds and designated fund managers.  Second tier funds and fund managers are as follows, except to the extent that all or a portion of any listed fund is a first tier fund by virtue of any other provision of this chapter or other ordinance:
Fund No.      Fund Title      Fund Manager
001      Current Expense      Budget Organization in the
            Executive Office
102      Criminal Justice      Budget Organization in the
            Executive Office
105      River Improvement      Dept. of Natural Resources
106      Veterans' Relief      Dept. of Community & Human
107      Developmental Disabilities       Dept. of Community & Human
108      Civil Defense      Dept. of Public Safety
116      Arts and Cultural Education Program      Office of Cultural Resources
117      Arts and Cultural Development      Office of Cultural Resources
120      Treasurer's O & M      Dept. of Finance
126      Alcohol & Substance Abuse Services      Dept. of Community & Human
180      Public Health      Dept. of Public Health
182      Inter-County River Improvement      Dept. of Natural Resources
214      Miscellaneous Grants      Dept. of Finance
224      Youth Employment Programs      Dept. of Community & Human
246      Community Dev Block Grant      Dept. of Community & Human
548      Geographic Information Systems      Dept. of Natural Resources and
553      Computer and Communication Services      Dept. of Information &
            Administrative Services
661      Deceased Effects      Dept. of Finance
662      Real Prop Title Assurance      Dept. of Finance
663      Treasurer's Prop Tax Refund      Dept. of Finance
664      Prop Tax Foreclosure Sales Excess      Dept. of Finance
666      Real Prop Advance Tax Collection      Dept. of Finance
668      Ad Valorem Tax Refund      Dept. of Finance
669      Certificate of Redemption LID ((a))Assmt     Dept. of Finance
670      Undistributed Taxes      Dept. of Finance
672      Cert/redemption Real Property      Dept. of Finance
673      Miscellaneous Tax Distribution      Dept. of Finance
677      Property Tax Suspense      Dept. of Finance
678      King County Fiscal Agent      Dept. of Finance
697      Mailroom Prop Tax Refund      Dept. of Finance
698      Miscellaneous Agency      Dept. of Finance
699      Assessment Distribution/Refund      Dept. of Finance
840      Limited GO Bond Redemption      Dept. of Finance
850      Unlimited GO Bond Redemption      Dept. of Finance
851      Stadium GO Bond Redemption      Dept. of Finance
      NEW SECTION.  SECTION 2.  There is hereby added to K.C.C. chapter 4.08 a new section to read as follows:
      A.  There is hereby created the geographic information systems fund, classified as a internal service fund, for the purpose of accounting for financial resources for the full costing of operating, maintaining and enhancing automated geographic information systems that serve both county agencies and external customers.  For the purpose of this section, “full costing” means all costs associated with opration, maintenance, rental, repair, replacement, central service cost and department overhead allocation.
      B.  Budget authority for staff and associated operating expenses incurred in managing the county's central geographic information systems shall be transferred from the information and telecommunications services fund data processing subfund to the new geographic information systems fund in the county's 2002 Annual Budget.  Ownership of the equipment used to support the county's centralized geographic information systems is hereby transferred to the geographic information systems fund.
      C.  The department of natural resources and parks shall be the fund manager and shall establish charges to recover full costing for geographic information systems fund services and operations.
      D.  Annual appropriations of revenues, beginning in 2002, shall be included in the budgets of those agencies and funds either benefiting from the centralized geographic information systems or receiving services from staff budgeted in geographic information systems fund, or both, which revenues shall be transferred to geographic information systems fund monthly.
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