Clerk 06/02/2011
AN ORDINANCE relating to the extension of the due date of a proviso related to the department of adult and juvenile detention; and amending the 2011 Budget Ordinance, Ordinance 16984, Section 48, as amended.
SECTION 1. Ordinance 16984, Section 48, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto and inserting therein the following:
ADULT AND JUVENILE DETENTION - From the general fund there is hereby appropriated to:
Adult and juvenile detention $0
ER1 Expenditure Restriction:
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall be expended solely for the continuation of booking operations of arrestees at the Norm Maleng regional justice center intake, transfer and release program.
Of this appropriation, $682,749 shall be expended solely for the continuation of the following alternatives to secure detention programs in the department's community corrections division and juvenile detention division: (1) $100,000 for relicensing contract; (2) $184,825 for the helping hands program; (3) $142,528 for the learning center; and (4) $255,396 for juvenile alternatives to secure detention programs.
Of this appropriation, $1,500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits and the council adopts a motion that references the proviso's ordinance, section and number and states that the executive has responded to the proviso. This proviso requires the department of adult and juvenile detention to review and report on operational changes that may result in cost savings as identified in operational master plans and in audit reports completed by the King County auditor. This review should include a report on the status of operational master plan study recommendations and the department's efforts to implement recommendations from the county auditor. Specifically, the review should: (1) examine staffing alternatives that might reduce costs at the King County correctional facility and at the Norm Maleng regional justice center, such as changes to the county's current policies for staffing "double bunking." This examination should review alternative staffing-to-inmate ratios while considering the daily volatility and complexity of the population. The review should concentrate on alternative staffing plans and inmate mixes that lead to the lowest staff-to-inmate ratios and any other changes that result in lower costs; (2) update the status of recommendations related to third shift floor control at the King County correctional facility, and any other recommendations stemming from the improvements made during the integrated security project and other capital improvements to date. The department should also consider options for greater use of video supervision in lieu of staff-only supervision for specialized populations; and (3) examine models for Intake/Transfer/Release Remodel and review previous recommendations for efficiencies in this area.
The executive must transmit to the council the motion and report by April 28, 2011, filed in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors.
Of this appropriation, $100,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits and the council adopts a motion that references the proviso's ordinance, section and number and states that the executive has responded to the proviso. This proviso requires the department of adult and juvenile detention to engage the services of a nationally recognized expert or group, such as the National Institute of Corrections, to provide technical assistance to prepare a report that evaluates the department's secure adult detention programs that, at a minimum, addresses, identifies and evaluates alternatives and national models, including, but not limited to: (1) the optimal use of county secure detention capacity, including examples of the most cost effective staffing models for secure housing units; (2) examples of how other similarly situated jurisdictions address declines or increases in secure detention population; (3) a review of the county's secure detention classification system, comparing it to other jurisdictions and national best practices; (4) examples of how other jurisdictions have successfully reduced jail operating costs; and (5) alternative fee-setting strategies for contract jail services. The report shall reflect the following objectives for the county's secure adult detention system: (1) identify efficiencies that will lead to significant cost savings without jeopardizing the safety and security of the jails; (2) maintain safe, secure and humane detention facilities that comply with legal and regulatory requirements; (3) manage jail costs through efficient operations; (4) ensure adequate and affordable regional jail capacity, with shared risks and a fair sharing of costs with King County cities; and (5) provide alternatives to secure detention in the least restrictive setting without compromising public safety.
The executive must transmit to the council the motion and the report required by this proviso by September 30, 2011, filed in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors.
Of this appropriation, $250,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits and the council adopts a motion that references the proviso's ordinance, section and number and states that the executive has responded to the proviso. This proviso requires that the department of adult and juvenile detention provide a report showing an independent analysis and business process mapping (where "business process mapping" is defined as a technique that identifies both barriers to efficient operation and duplication of effort and also offers benchmarks for how operations can be improved) of the department's intake, transfer and release workload that identifies workload components and maps key processes for inmate intake, transfer and release at both of the county adult detention facilities. The report should also contain data on the time and resources required to provide security supervision and to complete other operational tasks through the use of time motion or random moment study, and should also set benchmark performance targets for each of the component operations. The report should make recommendations for staffing and shall identify any other resources needed to address current workload and any changes in the nature and the volume of the workload that would indicate the need to add or reduce resources. The report shall also show how the time and resources data will be used for facility utilization and operations planning, budget development, contract fee setting and contract revenue projections. This required report must be reviewed by the King County auditor before transmittal and must incorporate any changes or comments suggested by the auditor.
The executive must transmit to the council the report and motion required by this proviso by ((June 1, 2011) September 30, 2011, filed in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors.
Of this appropriation, $250,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits and the council adopts a motion that references the proviso's ordinance, section and number and states that the executive has responded to the proviso. This proviso requires that the department of adult and juvenile detention provide a report showing its methodology and planning assumptions for its secure adult population forecast for 2012 and future years. The plan shall include the department's forecasts, forecast model and supporting data in an understandable form that fully describes the assumptions used in the preparation of the forecasts, describes how the department examined recent changes in secure detention utilization and identifies the cause of the changes and describes how the department will provide timely updates to support decision-making for budget preparation and other planning purposes. The department shall also show how the forecasts will be used for facility utilization and operations planning, budget development, contract fee setting, contract revenue projections and regional jail planning. The required report that includes a methodology and forecast plan must be reviewed by the King County auditor and must incorporate any changes or comments suggested by the auditor.
The executive must transmit to the council the motion and plan required by this proviso by June 1, 2011, filed in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors.
The department of adult and juvenile detention shall prepare each month a report showing the projected number of average daily population and the expected revenues for inmates held in secure detention under contract with the county as adopted in the 2011 budget and compare the projected data to actual average daily population and the actual revenue billed showing the variance of between projected and actual data. The report shall show this comparative data detailing the projected information used for the preparation of the budget versus actual information for cities and state department of corrections holds contracts separately. The department may include this data in its monthly detention and alternatives report.
The executive should file the first monthly report required to be submitted by this proviso by February 25, 2011, and continue every month thereafter, in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and to lead staff for the law, justice, health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors. Upon receipt, the clerk shall provide a proof of receipt to the director of the office of performance, strategy and budget.
Of this appropriation, $500,000 shall not be expended or encumbered until the executive transmits and the council adopts a motion that references the proviso's ordinance, section and number and states that the executive has responded to the proviso. This proviso requires that the department of adult and juvenile detention provide a report demonstrating how the department could continue booking operations at the Norm Maleng regional justice center intake, transfer and release program. The report should contain: (1) an analysis of the time and resources required to provide security supervision and to complete other current booking tasks associated with current operations; and (2) proposals for alternatives that would allow law enforcement agencies to continue to book arrestees at the facility. The department should consider alternative hours of operation, different staffing configurations and any other options that allow for continued booking at reduced costs. This study should make recommendations for staffing and shall identify any other resources needed to address current workload as measured by the current number of bookings and how any of the proposed options would impact workload.
The executive must transmit to the council the report and motion required by this proviso by March 31, 2011, filed in the form of a paper original and an electronic copy with the clerk of the council, who shall retain the original and provide an electronic copy to all councilmembers, the council chief of staff and the lead staffs for the law, justice,
health and human services committee and the budget and fiscal management committee or their successors.