File #: 2019-0027    Version: 1
Type: Motion Status: Passed
File created: 1/7/2019 In control: Metropolitan King County Council
On agenda: Final action: 1/7/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #: 15298
Title: A MOTION relating to the organization of the council; and amending Motion 10651, Section III, as amended, and OR 1-020, Motion 11105 (part), as amended, and OR 1-040, Motion 11122, Section B, as amended, and OR 2-010, Motion 11122, Section D, as amended, and OR 2-020, Motion 11122, Section G, as amended, and OR 2-040 and Motion 11122, Section H, as amended, and OR 2-050.
Sponsors: Rod Dembowski, Claudia Balducci
Attachments: 1. Motion 15298.pdf


A MOTION relating to the organization of the council; and amending Motion 10651, Section III, as amended, and OR 1-020, Motion 11105 (part), as amended, and OR 1-040, Motion 11122, Section B, as amended, and OR 2-010, Motion 11122, Section D, as amended, and OR 2-020, Motion 11122, Section G, as amended, and OR 2-040 and Motion 11122, Section H, as amended, and OR 2-050.


                     WHEREAS, the council has specified by motion the chairs, vice-chairs and members of council committees and provided for any changes to these positions to be made by adoption of a formal legislative motion, and

                     WHEREAS, the charter provides that the council shall elect one of its members as chair, and Motion 10651, Section II, as amended, and OR 1-010 provides that the council shall elect a chair who shall serve at the pleasure of the council for a term of one year, unless otherwise ordered by the council, and

                     WHEREAS, the council has specified by motion the chairs, vice-chairs and members of council committees and provided for any changes to these positions to be made by adoption of a formal legislative motion;

                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT MOVED by the Council of King County:

                     I.  Motion 10651, Section III, as amended, and OR 1-020 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 1-020.  Powers and duties of the chair.

                     A.  The chair, with their consent, shall appoint councilmembers to regional committees, standing committees, administrative committees, special committees and outside committees as required or as deemed necessary to efficiently conduct the business of the council.  The council recognizes that its committee structure, membership and chairs and vice-chairs reflect the council's will.  Any changes thereto shall be made only by formal legislative motion adopted by a majority of the members at a council meeting.

                     B.  The chair shall have the responsibility and general direction for the council's resources, budget, operation and organizational structure.  The chair shall allocate an equal amount of funding and FTE positions to each councilmember's district support and constituent services account from within the council administration account.  The chair shall be responsible for the general oversight of legislative branch employees, except personal and district support and constituent services staff of councilmembers.  Each councilmember shall be responsible for making employment decisions for the councilmember's personal and district support and constituent services staff.

                     C.  On behalf of the council, the chair of the council may accept gifts or things of value of less than two thousand dollars.  Gifts or things of value given to individual council offices may be accepted by each councilmember subject to the provisions of K.C.C. chapter 3.04.  The chair shall notify the clerk of the council of any accepted gifts or things of value.  The clerk shall maintain a list of the accepted gifts or things of value and shall report quarterly that list to all councilmembers if there have been any accepted gifts or things of value in the preceding quarter.  The chair of the council shall not enter into a consultant contract for more than fifty thousand dollars without first being authorized to do so by council motion.  All consultants shall comply with the King County code of ethics.

                     D.  The chair shall regularly consult in the exercise of the chair's duties with the vice-chairs.  The chair, in consultation with committee chairs, shall direct the necessary coordination of staff, except for personal and district support and constituent services staff.  The council's chief of staff ((and policy staff director)) shall report to the chair and ((are)) is accountable to and responsive to all councilmembers.  The chair may exercise any power conferred upon the chief of staff ((or policy staff director)).

                     E.  The chair shall be a member of the employment and administration committee.

                     II.  Motion 11105, as amended, and OR 1-040 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 1-040.  Chair and vice-chair elected.  For the year ((2018)) 2019 and until a successor is elected, the council elects Councilmember ((Joe McDermott)) Rod Dembowski as council chair, Councilmember Claudia Balducci as council vice-chair of policy development and review and Councilmember ((Kathy Lambert)) Reagan Dunn as council vice-chair of regional coordination.

                     III.  Motion 11122, Section B, as amended, and OR 2-010 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 2-010.  Committee of the whole - functions.  The council may go into committee of the whole at any time.  The committee of the whole shall consider:  issues of interest to the entire council, including appointments to the state legislature and as department directors and key subordinate units in the executive branch; the annual legislative program; legislation before the federal, state and local governments that affect King County; the King County Strategic Plan; oversight of Harborview Medical Center; solid waste including waste to energy; ((wastewater treatment; parks, recreation and cultural resources; the office of law enforcement oversight; economic development including pay equity and income disparity;)) arts and culture; the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account; gun safety; the immigrant and refugee commission; issues related to the census; the charter review commission; and other program and policy matters.  The committee of the whole shall conduct regular town hall meetings on issues of significance.

                     IV.  Motion 11122, Section D, as amended, and OR 2-020 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 2-020.  Standing committees - functions.  In addition to any committee otherwise established by law, the committees of the metropolitan King County council and their respective functions are established as follows:

                     A.  Budget and fiscal management committee shall consider and make recommendations on:  the county revenue and expenditure fiscal structural gap; capital and operating budget appropriations; the sale and lease of real property to or by the county; debt and investment proposals; bond issues; the office of economic and financial analysis; levies including parks and emergency medical services; and financial policies.  The committee shall also consider the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.

                       1.  The committee shall develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget, based on the recommendations of other council committees and taking into account the estimated fiscal impacts of state and federal legislation.

                       2.  In respect to consideration of the county's proposed biennial budget, all members of the council not assigned to the budget and fiscal management committee shall be considered ex officio voting members of the committee.

                     B.  Government accountability and oversight committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on:

                         a.  improving the efficiency, cost effectiveness and performance of all branches of county government (legislative, executive and judicial);

                         b.  enhancing oversight, accountability and transparency in King County government, the annual county audit program and federal, state or county audit reports, the administration of the Public Records Act, ((civil rights and compliance,)) capital projects oversight, strategic planning, performance measurement and performance management, management organizational structure and technology management;

                         c.  general government oversight, including customer service, worker safety, the department of assessments; elections; records and licensing; animal control; cable communications; the county fair; King County international airport; risk management; veterans,  and executive services such as telecommunications, facilities management, purchasing and real property management; and

                         d.  the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.

                       2.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                     C.  Health, housing and human services committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to:

                         a.  public health programs, including those related to the protection, promotion and provision functions of the department of public health, including the structure of the public health centers;

                         b.  affordable housing, including therapeutic and low-income housing;

                         c.  human services programs, including review of human services-related levies, and civil rights and social justice; ((and))

                         d.  the implementation of appropriate labor agreements;

                         e.  economic development including equity and pay disparity;

                         f.  homelessness crisis response system reforms; and

                          g.  gender equity.

                       2.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                     D.  Law and justice committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to law, safety, criminal justice and emergency management programs, excluding those related to alternatives to incarceration and including those related to:  public safety; adult detention; juvenile justice and youth services; superior and district courts; judicial administration; prosecuting attorney; public defense; ((implementation of a pretrial risk assessment tool;)) emergency medical services; ((emergency management, including disaster response, emergency preparedness and emergency planning and the Puget Sound emergency radio network project)); office of law enforcement oversight; bail reform; pretrial services including alternatives to incarceration; and civil rights.

                       2.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                       3.  The committee shall also consider the implementation of appropriate labor agreements.

                     E.  ((Mobility committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on:  transportation, including roads, passenger ferries and public transportation.  The committee shall also consider the implementation of relevant labor contracts.

                       2.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                     F.  Planning, rural service and environment)) Local services, regional roads and bridges committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies relating to:

                         a.  ((growth management, including land use development and regulation, comprehensive planning and annexations)) surface water management and water supply;

                         b.  ((the environment, including:  salmon recovery; resource lands; energy; surface water management and water supply; and)) unincorporated and rural areas, including agriculture and rural services;

                         c.  local government; ((and))

                         d.  the implementation of appropriate labor agreements;

                         e.  permitting and zoning including winery and marijuana related legislation;

                         f.  roads and bridges;

                         g.  emergency management including disaster response, emergency preparedness and emergency planning and the Puget Sound emergency radio network;

                         h.  local services provided by the sheriff; and

                         i.  utility annexations and water and sewer district plans.

                       2.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                     ((G.  Special committee on alternatives to incarceration.

                       1.  There is established a special committee on alternatives to incarceration.

                       2.  The special committee shall consider and make recommendations on policies related to alternatives to incarceration such as electronic home detention, work education release or successor programs.

                       3.  The special committee shall complete its tasks by June 30, 2018.  On July 1, 2018, the special committee shall expire.))

                     F.  Mobility and environment committee.

                       1.  The committee shall consider and make recommendations on:

                         a. transportation, including passenger ferries and public transportation including fares and fare equity policies;

                         b.  the environment, including:

                           (1)  salmon recovery and barriers to recovery such as culverts;

                           (2)  resources lands, excluding agriculture;

                           (3)  energy;

                           (4)  water quality, including wastewater;

                             (5)  trails and parks; and

                         c.  growth management, including regional planning and the Comprehensive Plan.

                       2.  The committee shall also consider the implementation of relevant labor contracts.

                       3.  In the areas within the committee's purview, the committee shall track state and federal legislative action and develop recommendations on policy direction for the biennial budget.

                     V.  Motion 11122, Section G, as amended, and OR 2-040 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 2-040.  Chairs and vice-chairs.  The council designates the following councilmembers as chairs and vice-chairs of the standing committees created in this motion and the regional committees established in the King County Charter.

                     Committee of the whole:

                                          Chair:  ((Rod Dembowski.)) Joe McDermott.

                                          Vice-chair:  Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

                     Budget and fiscal management committee:

                                          Chair:  ((Dave Upthegrove.)) Claudia Balducci.

                                          Vice-chair:  Kathy Lambert.

                     Employment and administration committee:

                                          Chair:  ((Joe McDermott.)) Rod Dembowski.

                                          Vice-chair:  Reagan Dunn.

                     Government accountability and oversight committee:

                                          Chair:  Pete von Reichbauer.

                                          Vice-chair:  ((Dave Upthegrove.)) Larry Gossett.

                     Health, housing and human services committee:

                                          Chair:  Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

                                          Vice-chair:  ((Larry Gossett.)) Dave Upthegrove.

                     Law and justice committee:

                                          Chair:  Larry Gossett.

                                          Vice-chair:  Kathy Lambert.

                     ((Mobility committee:

                                          Chair: Claudia Balducci.

                                          Vice-Chair: Kathy Lambert

                     Planning, rural service and environment)) Local services, regional roads and bridges committee:

                                          Chair:  Kathy Lambert.

                                          Vice-Chair:  ((Dave Upthegrove.)) Claudia Balducci.

                     Mobility and environment committee:

                                          Chair:  Dave Upthegrove.

                                          Vice-Chair:  Pete von Reichbauer.

                     Regional policy committee:

                                          Chair:  Pete von Reichbauer.

                     Regional transit committee:

                                          Chair:  ((Rod Dembowski.)) Claudia Balducci.

                     Regional water quality committee:

                                          Chair:  Kathy Lambert.

                     ((Special committee on alternatives to incarceration:

                                          Cochair:  Reagan Dunn.

                                          Cochair:  Claudia Balducci.))

                     VI.  Motion 11122, Section H, as amended, and OR 2-050 are each amended to read as follows:

                     OR 2-050.  Memberships.  The council designates the following councilmembers, in addition to the chairs and vice-chairs, as members of the standing committees created in this motion and the regional committees established in the King County Charter.

                     Budget and fiscal management committee:

                                          Members:  ((Claudia Balducci,)) Rod Dembowski, ((Larry Gossett,)) Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove.

                     Committee of the whole:

                                          Members:  All councilmembers.

                     Employment and administration committee:

                                          Members:  Claudia Balducci, ((Rod Dembowski,)) Larry Gossett, Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

                     Government accountability and oversight committee:

                                          Members:  ((Larry Gossett, Kathy Lambert)) Rod Dembowski, Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

                     Health, housing and human services committee:

                                          Members:  Claudia Balducci, Rod Dembowski, ((Dave Upthegrove.)) Larry Gossett, Kathy Lambert.

                     Law and justice committee:

                                          Members:  Reagan Dunn, ((Jeanne Kohl-Welles,)) Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove.

                     ((Mobility committee:

                                          Members:  Reagan Dunn, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Joe McDermott.

                     Planning, rural service and environment)) Local services, regional roads and bridges committee:

                                          Members:  Reagan Dunn, Larry Gossett, ((Joe McDermott, Pete von Reichbauer)).

                     Mobility and environment committee:

                                          Members:  Claudia Balducci, Rod Dembowski, Kathy Lambert, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Joe McDermott.

                     Regional policy committee:

                                          Members:  ((Claudia Balducci, Larry Gossett)) Rod Dembowski, Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

                                          Alternate:  ((Jeanne Kohl-Welles.)) Larry Gossett.

                     Regional transit committee:

                                          Members:  ((Claudia Balducci, Reagan Dunn)) Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove.

                                          Alternate:  ((Joe McDermott))

                     Regional water quality committee:

                                          Members:  ((Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Dave Upthegrove.)) Rod Dembowski, Reagan Dunn.

                                          Alternate:  ((Reagan Dunn.))

                     ((Special committee on alternatives to incarceration:

                                          Members:  Larry Gossett, Jeanne Kohl-Welles.))