1200 King County  
King County  
516 Third Avenue  
Seattle, WA 98104  
Meeting Minutes  
Regional Water Quality Committee  
Claudia Balducci, Chair  
Reagan Dunn, Dave Upthegrove  
Sound Cities Association: Conrad Lee, Bellevue, Vice Chair;  
Sarah Moore, Burien;  
Laura Mork, Shoreline; Jessica Rossman, Medina  
Alternates: Kelli Curtis, Kirkland; Yolanda Trout Manuel,  
Sewer/Water Districts: Chuck Clarke, Woodinville Water  
District; Lloyd Warren, Sammamish Plateau Water District  
Alternate: Ryika Hooshangi, Sammamish Plateau Water  
City of Seattle: Joy Hollingsworth, Robert Kettle  
Alternate: Rob Saka  
Lead Staff: Jenny Giambattista (206-477-0879)  
Committee Clerk: Blake Wells (206-263-1617)  
3:00 PM  
Wednesday, June 5, 2024  
Hybrid Meeting  
Call to Order  
Roll Call  
Chair Balducci called the meeting to order at 3:02 PM.  
12 -  
Balducci, Clarke, Dunn, Lee, Mork, Moore, Rossman, Warren,  
Hollingsworth, Kettle, Trout-Manuel and Curtis  
1 - Upthegrove  
Approval of Minutes  
Vice Chair Lee moved approval of the April 3, 2024 meeting minutes. There being no  
objections, the minutes were approved.  
Chair's Report  
Chair Balducci provided an overview of the agenda and advised the committee that  
item 10 will be moved to a later agenda. The Chair also reminded members of  
upcoming meeting dates and provided updates on the site tour of the Joint Ship Canal  
Water Quality Project and the recent trip by the Council and the Executive to  
Washington, D.C.  
Regional Water Quality Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
June 5, 2024  
MWPAAC Report  
John McClellan, Chair, MWPAAC, briefed the committee on recent and upcoming  
MWPAAC meetings and noted a July tour that has not yet been assigned a site or a  
date and time.  
Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) Report  
Kamuron Gurol, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, Department of Natural  
Resources and Parks, briefed the committee on the Joint Ship Canal Water Quality  
Project, a recent tour of the University of Washington Central Steam Plant facility by  
the Executive and executive staff, recently acquired permits under NPDES, the Mouth  
of the Duwamish CSO Project, efforts in partnership with Boulder Park and other  
organizations to provide high-quality land application of biosolids, discussions held with  
federal agencies, and a site tour that took place in the Washington, D.C. area.  
Briefing on Proposed Ordinance 2024-0146, Proposed 2025 Sewer Rate and Capacity Charge and  
2025-2034 Financial Forecast  
Jenny Giambattista, Council staff, briefed the committee. The members discussed  
options regarding sending a letter from RWQC to the King County Council that would  
advise the Council of RWQC's interest in the ordinance at issue in this briefing.  
Kamuron Gurol, Director, Wastewater Treatment Division, Department of Natural  
Resources and Parks, answered questions from the members.  
The committee voted unanimously to send a letter to the King County Council that  
supports the rate recommendations letter from MWPAAC.  
This matter was presented.  
Director’s Briefing, Department of Natural Resources and Parks  
John Taylor, Director, Department of Natural Resources and Parks, briefed the  
This matter was presented.  
Regional Wastewater Services Plan Update  
Jim Simmonds, Supervisor, Comprehensive Planning, Wastewater Treatment Division,  
Department of Natural Resources and Parks, briefed the committee and answered  
questions from the members. The committee held discussions on the Regional  
Wastewater Services Plan.  
This matter was presented.  
Regional Water Quality Committee  
Meeting Minutes  
June 5, 2024  
Update on Motion 16434, Contaminants of Emerging Concern  
This matter was deferred.  
2024 Regional Water Quality Committee (RWQC) Work Plan  
Chair Balducci provided an overview of the work program.  
This matter was deferred.  
Other Business  
There was no other business to come before the committee.  
The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.