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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Metropolitan King County Council
Councilmembers: Cynthia Sullivan, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Kathy Lambert, Larry Phillips, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Kent Pullen, Larry Gossett, Jane Hague,
David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Room 1001 March 4, 2002 1:30 P.M.

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:37 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
Excused: Ms. Hague
Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance
Councilmember Pelz led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes of February 19 and 25, 2002
Mr. von Reichbauer moved to approve the minutes of the February 19 and 25, 2002 meetings without
reading. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Reports on Special and Outside Committees
Mr. von Reichbauer expressed his thanks to the Ferguson Group, and other members of the Council,
who joined him in lobbying members of the federal congress and federal administration on policies
affecting King County. He indicated they had a very good reception covering a wide range of issues.

Mr. Gossett reported on his recent trip to South Africa, and his participation in a national delegation
of elected and appointed officials who were invited to look at the decentralization process done
under the new government of South Africa since its new constitution in 1994. He indicated some of
the discussion related to the challenges they have as elected officials, on a regional and local level.
Plat Tracing
Redmond Ridge Master Plat (Alteration) - Council District 11
Mr. von Reichbauer moved to adopt the DDES finding of fact that the final plat of Redmond Ridge
Master Plat (Alteration) complies with the conditions of preliminary plat approval and other
applicable laws, and that the Chair is authorized to signify Council approval by signing the final plat
at the end of the meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.

Special Item
Presentation of a Certificate of Recognition to the Seattle Prep Football Team to honor it for
being named the WIAA State Academic Champions.
Mr. Phillips introduced the following faculty members from Seattle Prep: Fr. Paul Fitterer,
President, Tom Doyle, Athletic Director; and Bill Heglar, Head Football Coach. Mr. Gossett
congratulated the Seattle Prep football team for their outstanding academic achievements. He also
acknowledged and congratulated Seattle Prep for winning the State Women's AAA Basketball

Mr. Gossett and Mr. Phillips read and presented the Recognition. Fr. Fitterer thanked the Council.
Coach Heglar thanked the Council and introduced team members. Larkin Van Derhoef, team
member and student body vice president of Seattle Prep, thanked the Council. Mr. Doyle also made

Budget and Fiscal Management
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Phillips and Mr. McKenna
AN ORDINANCE authorizing and directing the King County executive to enter into an
agreement for the provision of project management services between the University of
Washington, Harborview Medical Center and King County, relating to the Harborview
Medical Center's bond program, authorizing the use of University of Washington policies
and procedures, and requiring further council approval for certain changes in project scope,
schedule or budget.
On 2/19/2002, a public hearing was held and remained open.
On 2/25/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 14295.

Ms. Lambert withdrew Amendment 1.
Mr. Phillips moved Amendment 3.
Tom Koney, council staff, answered questions of the Council.
Sally Tenney, Chief Civil Deputy, Prosecuting Attorney's Office, answered questions of the Council.
Alan Merkle, representing the University of Washington, answered questions of the Council.
Peter Coates, Executive Secretary, Seattle King County Building and Construction Trades Council,
answered questions of the Council.
Mr. Phillips' motion passed by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 7 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz,
Mr. Constantine, Mr. Gossett and Ms. Patterson
No: 5 - Mr. Irons, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pullen, Mr. von Reichbauer and
Mr. McKenna
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague

Ms. Patterson moved Amendment 4.
Ms. Patterson withdrew Amendment 4.

Ms. Patterson moved Amendment 5. The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 10 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds,
Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen,
Mr. Gossett and Ms. Patterson
No: 2 - Mr. Irons and Ms. Lambert
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague
A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion
carried by the following vote:

Yes: 10 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Gossett and Ms. Patterson
No: 1 - Mr. Pullen
Excused: 2 - Ms. Hague and Mr. Irons
Labor, Operations and Technology
Proposed Ordinance No. 2001-0550 Mr. Irons
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the sale of three parcels of surplus county-owned real
property located in council district 12.
On 2/25/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 14296.
A motion was made by Mr. Constantine that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 9 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna,
Mr. Constantine, Mr. Gossett and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 4 - Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pullen, Ms. Hague and Mr. Irons
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0073 Mr. Constantine and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 representing
employees in the departments of transportation and executive services; and establishing the
effective date of said agreement.
On 2/25/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 14297.

Mike Alvine, council staff, answered questions of the Council.
A motion was made by Mr. Constantine that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 12 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague
The Chair recessed the meeting into Executive Session
at 2:42 p.m. for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations.
The Executive Session concluded at 3:11 p.m.

Motions for Council Action
Consent Items -- Items 8 - 16
Proposed Motion No. 2001-0491 Mr. McKenna
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of John Sothern, who was nominated
for reappointment by King County Councilmember Rob McKenna, and who resides in
council district six, to the King County harborview medical center board of trustees.
The enacted number is 11382.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2001-0539 Mr. Nickels and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Issaquah Mayor Ava Frisinger to
the King County board of health as a suburban elected member; Mayor Frisinger
previously served as an alternate to the board.
The enacted number is 11383.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2001-0540 Mr. Nickels, Ms. Fimia and Ms. Edmonds
A MOTION confirming the executive's reappointment of Lake Forest Park Mayor David
Hutchinson to the King County board of health as a suburban elected member.
The enacted number is 11384.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2001-0565 Mr. Gossett
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Donald Luby, who resides in
council district ten, to the King County board for developmental disabilities.
The enacted number is 11385.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0034 Mr. Pelz and Mr. Gossett
A MOTION authorizing the county executive to enter into a contract for supplemental law
enforcement services and premises with the King County Housing Authority at Ballinger
The enacted number is 11386.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Motion No. 2002-0048 Mr. Gossett
A MOTION authorizing the county executive to enter into an interagency agreement with
Pierce County Alliance relating to the Washington state methamphetamine initiative.
Ms. Patterson requested that this item be removed from the consent calendar and defer consideration
until the March 11, 2002 Council meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0078 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION approving application guidelines for the landmark rehabilitation program,
funded through an allocation of the Special Projects Program, in accordance with 10189.
The enacted number is 11387.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. Gossett
A MOTION authorizing the proceeds of the auction of sheriff's office rifles and shotguns to
be apportioned to the King County sheriff's office for purchasing lock boxes.
The enacted number is 11388.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0082 Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving the King County Public Art Program 2002 Annual Plan.
The enacted number is 11389.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 12 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague
Law, Justice and Human Services
Proposed Motion No. 2001-0551 Mr. Nickels, Mr. Gossett and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving amendments to the 2000/2001 public defense contracts to
accommodate for a change in caseloads.
The enacted number is 11390.
A motion was made by Ms. Lambert that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 12 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0035 Mr. Pelz and Mr. Gossett
A MOTION authorizing the county executive to enter into a contract for supplemental law
enforcement services and premises with the King County Housing Authority at Cascade

The enacted number is 11391.
A motion was made by Ms. Lambert that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 12 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 1 - Ms. Hague
Natural Resources, Parks and Open Space
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. Gossett, Ms. Edmonds and Mr.
A MOTION identifying projects to be funded under Public Law 106-393, Title III, the
Secure Rural Schools and Self-Determination Act of 2000, and allocating to those projects
the funds to be received from the federal government for two federal fiscal years, beginning
October 1, 2000, and October 1, 2001, respectively.
The following people appeared to speak on 3/4/2002 :
Paul Gutierrez, 15009 86th Ave. NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
On March 4, 2002, a required public hearing was held and closed.

The Chair indicated that Proposed Substitute Motion 2001-0587 would be held until the March 11,
2002 Council meeting.
Introduction of Ordinances and Referrals
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0095 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Michael Rand for property located at 22630 - 111th
Avenue Southwest, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks, water
and land resources division file no. E01CT007.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0096 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Jeff Schnelz for property located at 12037 SW 208th
St., Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land
resources division file no. E01CT008.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0097 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Sylvia Crockett and Peter Liddell and Lorraine
Ledbetter for property located at 14422 Southwest Pohl Road, Vashon and 14124
Southwest Pohl Road, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks, water
and land resources division file no. E01CT011.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0098 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Charles F. and Jeanmarie Huhn for property located
at 10812 Southwest Cove Road, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and
parks, water and land resources division file no. E01CT021.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0099 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Warren and Mary Ann Beardsley and Beardsley
Cove Properties for property located at 16209 Crescent Drive, Vashon, designated
department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0100 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE for application for current use assessment for public benefit rating
system submitted by Greg Beardsley for property located at 16075 Crescent Drive SW,
Vashon, WA 98070, designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land
resources division file no. E01CT023.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0101 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by James E. Jr. and Marjorie Beardsley and Beardsley
Cove Properties for property located at 12715 Southwest 158th Street, Vashon, designated
department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0102 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Georgianne Fiorini for property located at 13915
Southwest 280th Street, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks,
water and land resources division file no. E01CT026.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0103 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Brian D. and Frieda L. Schieber for property located
at 21204 Westside Highway Southwest, Vashon, designated department of natural
resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. E01CT033.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0104 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Katharine Bunnell for property located at 22801 -
107th Avenue Southwest, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks,
water and land resources division file no. E01CT036.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0105 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Michael Rubin and Sharon Birzer for property
located at 22626 - 11th Avenue Southwest, Vashon, designated department of natural
resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. E01CT037.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0106 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by John Abel and Douglas and Ruth Adams for
property located at 9335 and 9331 West 204th Street, Vashon, designated department of
natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. E01CT046.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0107 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Joel S. O'Francia for property located at 123xx
Southwest 204th Street, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks,
water and land resources division file no. E01CT053.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0108 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to
approve, subject to conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed
valuation for open space submitted by Vashon Household for property located at 178xx -
103rd Avenue Southwest, Vashon, designated department of natural resources and parks,
water and land resources division file no. E01CT056.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0110 Ms. Sullivan
AN ORDINANCE correcting an error in the address regarding the concurrence with the
recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to conditions, the application
for current use assessment for timberland submitted by Daniel G. Stencil for property
located at 22028 SE Auburn-Black Diamond Road, Auburn, designated department of
natural resources, water and land resources division, file no. E01CT002; and amending
Ordinance 14288, Section 1.
Introduced and Referred to Hearing Examiner
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0112 Mr. Constantine
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into an interlocal cooperation
agreement for open space acquisition projects with the Vashon Park District for the
Shinglemill creek acquisition project.
Introduced and Referred to Natural Resources, Parks and Open Space Committee
Introduction of Motions and Referrals
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0002 Ms. Edmonds
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of King County superior court judge
Richard Eadie, who resides in council district one, to the King County library system board
of trustees.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0010 Mr. Pelz
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Steve Saunders, who resides in
council district five, to the King County civil rights commission, serving in an "at-large"
position, representing the section 504/ADA advisory committee.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0111 Mr. Pullen
A MOTION authorizing the county executive to amend an interlocal agreement to construct
improvements to 244th Avenue Southeast executed on March 2, 1998, with the city of
Introduced and Referred to Transportation Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0115 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION establishing the 2002 work plan for the regional water quality committee of
the King County council.
Introduced and Referred to Regional Water Quality Committee

Proposed Motion No. 2002-0117 Mr. Constantine
A MOTION related to King County Council adoption of the 2002 work program for the
King County Auditor's Office.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at 3:28 p.m.


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