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King County Council meeting agenda King County Council meeting agenda
King County
1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Agenda
Law, Justice and Human
Services Committee
Councilmembers: Larry Gossett, Chair; Kathy Lambert, Vice Chair; Carolyn Edmonds,
Dwight Pelz, Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine

Staff: Doug Stevenson (296-1631), Lead Staff Analyst; Clifton Curry (296-0358), Analyst;
Gennevie Cook, Committee Assistant (205-5079)

Room 1001 May 1, 2003 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes April 17, 2003
Discussion and Possible Action
2. Proposed Motion No. 2003-0159 Mr. Constantine
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Kim Murillo, who resides in council
district eight, to the King County alcoholism and substance abuse administrative board.
Gennevie Cook, Council Staff
3. Proposed Motion No. 2003-0166 Mr. Gossett
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Carol Washington Mizoguchi, who
resides in council district ten, to the King County women's advisory board.
Gennevie Cook, Council Staff
4. Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0148 Mr. Gossett
AN ORDINANCE relating to the code of ethics; revising provisions related to former
employees and members of county boards and commissions; amending Ordinance 6144,
Section 2, as amended, K.C.C. 3.04.035 and Ordinance 12014, Section 2, as amended, and
K.C.C. 3.04.017.
Clif Curry, Council Staff
5. Briefing No. 2003-B0081
March Population Report for the Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention
Clif Curry, Council Staff
6. Briefing No. 2003-B0082
Juvenile Justice Operational Master Plan Implementation and the Reinvesting in Youth Project
Doug Stevenson, Council Staff
Discussion and Possible Action
7. Proposed Motion No. 2003-0198 Ms. Lambert and Mr. Gossett
A MOTION relating to implementation of the Juvenile Justice Operational Master Plan,
authorizing the preparation of a study to assess and make recommendations regarding the
Reinvesting in Youth savings reinvestment strategy and expressing King County support for the
principle of savings reinvestment pending the outcome of the study.
Doug Stevenson, Council Staff
8. Grant Alerts
Impact of a Non-Commercialism Policy in Seattle Schools
Kids Get Care Behavioral Health Project
The NICHE Consortium
Opportunity Place Project

Integration Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services with Primary Care
Under One Roof
Tools for Schools II
Advance Domestic Violence Judicial Education
Other Business


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