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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Growth Management and
Unincorporated Areas Committee
Councilmembers: Jane Hague, Chair; Larry Phillips, Vice Chair; Cynthia
Kathy Lambert, Dwight Pelz, Dow Constantine, David Irons

Staff: Ricardo Bautista (296-0329), Lead Analyst; Lauren Smith (296-0352),
Olivia Aguilar (296-1691), Committee Assistant

Room 1001 June 4, 2002 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Chair Hague called the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m.
Roll Call
Present: Ms. Hague, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Constantine and Mr. Irons
Excused: Mr. Pelz
Approval of Minutes
The meeting minutes were held.
Briefing No. 2002-B0079
Park Lake Homes
Olivia Aguilar, Council Staff, introduced Steve Norman, Director, King County Housing Authority.
Mr. Norman briefed members on the Park Lake Homes Revitilization Project and responded to
members' questions.
Discussion and Possible Action
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0182 Mr. Phillips, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and
Ms. Sullivan
A MOTION relating to affordable housing; directing the King County auditor and the King
County executive to collect funds and develop a mechanism for the implementation of an
affordable housing program serving very low income persons in a manner consistent with
2002 Wash. Laws 294 (Substitute House Bill 2060).
Rick Bautista, Council Staff, briefed members on Proposed Ordinance 2002-0182.
This matter was Amended.
A motion was made that this matter be Recommended Do Pass Substitute. The motion carried
by the following vote:
Yes: 7 - Ms. Hague, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine and Mr.
No: 0
Excused: 0

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0118 Ms. Hague
AN ORDINANCE relating to comprehensive planning and zoning; adopting the King
County Comprehensive Plan 2002 amendments to the King County Comprehensive Plan
2000 and area zoning, in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act;
amending Ordinance 263, Art. 2 Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 21.12.010.
Discussion and Possible Action
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0119 Ms. Hague
AN ORDINANCE relating to zoning and comprehensive planning, clarifying the
application of minimum lot area in the Rural Area, adding kennel and cattery as a
conditional use in the Agricultural Production District subject to conditions and correcting
typing errors; amending Ordinance 10870, Section 332, as amended, and K.C.C.
21A.08.050, Ordinance 10870, Section 340, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.12.030,
Ordinance 10870, Section 357, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.12.200, Ordinance 10870,
Section 378, as amended, and K.C.C. 21A.14.180.
Rick Bautista introduced Martha Goodlit, member of the Agricultural Commission. Ms Goodlit
explained the Agricultural Commision's position on Proposed Ordinance 2002-0118. Karen Wolf,
Office of Regional Policy & Planning and Priscilla Kaufman, Department of Development and
Environmental Service, responded to members' questions.
This matter was Amended.
A motion was made that this matter be Recommended Do Pass Substitute. The motion carried
by the following vote:
Yes: 7 - Ms. Hague, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Pelz, Mr. Constantine and Mr.
No: 0
Excused: 0
Briefing No. 2002-B0064
Briefing on April 24th Growth Management Planning Council Meeting (Housing Targets)
The briefing was deferred.
Other Business
Chair Hague reminded members and guest of the June 5th Special Meeting of the Growth
Mangement and Unincorporated Areas Committee. Ms. Hague announced that the meeting will start
at 6:00 p.m. at Chief Kanim Middle School.
There being no other business to come before the committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45


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