Regional Transit Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2025
Chair's Report
Chair Barón introduced Councilmember De'Sean Quinn as the new member
representing the King County Council on the Regional Transit Committee.
Councilmember McIrvin moved the appointment of Deputy Council President de
Michele as Vice Chair of the committee. There being no objections, Deputy Council
President de Michele was appointed Vice Chair of the Regional Transit Committee.
Public Comment
The following people provided public comment:
Alex Tsimerman
Carnation Mayor Adair Hawkins
General Manager's Report
Michelle Allison, General Manager, Metro Transit Department, briefed the committee
on Metro operations as they relate to the changing nature of the federal government,
the addition of operator partitions on newly ordered buses and the retrofitting of
partitions in the existing fleet, de-escalation training for operators, safety protocols,
East Link and South Link connections, the spring service change, the increase in
regional ridership in 2024, and Transit Appreciation Week and answered questions
from the members.
Discussion and Possible Action
A RESOLUTION adopting the 2025 work plan for the King County regional transit committee.
Mary Bourguignon, Council staff, briefed the committee and answered questions from
the members.
Due to the design of the legislative tracking software used to produce the
proceedings, the vote on this item is misreported. The correct vote is:
Yes: 8 - de Michele, Honda, Howe, McIrvin, Ross, Troutner, Charbonneau (voting as
an alternate for Cimaomo, Jr.), Harris (voting as an alternate for Zahn), Quinn, and
Excused: 4 - Cimaomo, Jr., Zahn, Hollingsworth, and Saka
A motion was made by Councilmember de Michele that this RTC Resolution be
Passed. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 - de Michele, McIrvin, Ross, Troutner, Honda, Barón, Howe, Quinn,
Charbonneau and Harris
4.5 - Cimaomo Jr., Zahn, Hollingsworth, Saka and Mann