1200 King County  
King County  
516 Third Avenue  
Seattle, WA 98104  
Meeting Minutes  
Committee of the Whole  
Claudia Balducci, Chair;  
Jorge Barón, Vice Chair;  
Rod Dembowski, Reagan Dunn, Teresa Mosqueda, Sarah  
Dave Upthegrove, Pete von Reichbauer, Girmay Zahilay  
Lead Staff: Andy Micklow (206-263-3226)  
Committee Clerk: Blake Wells (206-263-1617)  
9:30 AM  
Tuesday, August 27, 2024  
Hybrid Meeting  
Call to Order  
Roll Call  
Chair Balducci called the meeting to order at 9:34 AM.  
8 -  
Balducci, Barón, Dunn, Dembowski, Perry, Upthegrove, von Reichbauer and  
1 - Mosqueda  
Approval of Minutes  
Vice Chair Barón moved approval of the July 23, 2024 meeting minutes. There being  
no objections, the minutes were approved.  
Public Comment  
There were no people who provided public comment.  
Committee of the Whole  
Meeting Minutes  
August 27, 2024  
Discussion and Possible Action  
A MOTION approving the extension of the executive's appointment of Ed Carter as acting director of the  
community corrections division within the King County department of adult and juvenile detention.  
Andy Micklow, Council staff, briefed the committee.  
This item was expedited to the September 3, 2024 meeting of the Metropolitan King  
County Council.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Barón that this motion be recommended do  
pass consent. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Balducci, Barón, Dunn, Dembowski, Perry, Upthegrove, von Reichbauer  
and Zahilay  
1 - Mosqueda  
A MOTION confirming the appointment of Leon Richardson as director of the department of local  
Wendy Soo Hoo, Council staff, and Dwight Dively, Director, Office of Performance,  
Strategy, and Budget, briefed the committee. Leon Richardson, appointee, answered  
questions from the members.  
This item was expedited to the September 3, 2024 meeting of the Metropolitan King  
County Council.  
A motion was made by Vice Chair Barón that this motion be recommended do  
pass consent. The motion carried by the following vote:  
8 -  
Balducci, Barón, Dunn, Dembowski, Perry, Upthegrove, von Reichbauer  
and Zahilay  
1 - Mosqueda  
Committee of the Whole  
Meeting Minutes  
August 27, 2024  
A MOTION appointing a qualified person to a vacant position on the fire district No. 37 board of  
Sherrie Hsu, Council staff, briefed the committee. David Scalabrini, appointee,  
answered questions from the members.  
Councilmember Dunn made an oral amendment to insert the name "David Scalabrini"  
into the empty space on line 18 of the proposed motion. There being no objections,  
the amendment was adopted.  
This item was expedited to the September 3, 2024 meeting of the Metropolitan King  
County Council.  
A motion was made by Councilmember Dunn that this motion be  
recommended do pass substitute consent. The motion carried by the following  
7 - Balducci, Barón, Dunn, Dembowski, Perry, Upthegrove and Zahilay  
2 - Mosqueda and von Reichbauer  
Discussion Only  
AN ORDINANCE approving the King County Doors Open Program implementation plan, required by  
Ordinance 19710, Section 9, to govern the expenditure of the cultural access sales and use tax from  
2024 through 2031 to achieve outcomes related to public and educational benefits and economic support  
for arts, science, and heritage organizations.  
Andy Micklow, Council staff, Karan Gill, Chief of Staff, King County Executive’s Office,  
Aaron Rubardt, Deputy Budget Director, Office of Performance, Strategy, and Budget,  
and Brian Carter, CEO, 4Culture, briefed the committee via PowerPoint presentation  
and answered questions from the members.  
This matter was deferred.  
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to execute the amended and restated interlocal agreement for  
the establishment of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority, a joint or cooperative  
undertaking with the city of Seattle and with such public agencies as are eligible under the terms of the  
interlocal agreement and applicable law.  
April Sanders, Council staff, Shannon Braddock, Deputy Executive, Office of the  
Executive, Calli Knight, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships, Office of the  
Executive, and Kate Baber, Director of Strategic Partnerships, DCHS, briefed the  
committee via PowerPoint presentation and answered questions from the members.  
This matter was deferred.  
Other Business  
Committee of the Whole  
Meeting Minutes  
August 27, 2024  
There was no other business to come before the committee.  
The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 AM.