Metropolitan King County Council
Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2025
Hearing Examiner Consent Agenda Items 9-11
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to
conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed valuation for open space submitted
by Ernest and Loralynn Antin for property located at 24233 SE 164th Street, Issaquah WA, designated
department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no. E24CT008.
The enacted number is 19903.
This matter passed on the Consent Agenda.
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to
conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed valuation for open space submitted
by Elena Zakharova and Kiril Van Orman for property located at 515 286th Avenue SE, Fall City, WA,
designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no.
The enacted number is 19904.
This matter passed on the Consent Agenda.
AN ORDINANCE concurring with the recommendation of the hearing examiner to approve, subject to
conditions, the application for public benefit rating system assessed valuation for open space submitted
by Yasuhiro and Dorothy Matsui for property located at 6403 206th Place NE, Redmond, WA,
designated department of natural resources and parks, water and land resources division file no.
The enacted number is 19905.
This matter passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed On The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Councilmember Quinn that the Consent Agenda be
passed. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 -
Balducci, Barón, Dembowski, Dunn, Mosqueda, Perry, Quinn, von
Reichbauer, and Zahilay