King County





1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104







Meeting Proceedings








Metropolitan King County Council









Councilmembers: Cynthia Sullivan, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Kathy Lambert, Larry Phillips, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Steve Hammond, Larry Gossett,
Jane Hague, David W. Irons, Julia Patterson












Room 1001


September 2, 2003


1:30 P.M.


















Call to Order



The meeting was called to order at 1:38 p.m.




Roll Call



Present: Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson




Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance



Mr. Constantine led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.




Approval of Minutes of August 25, 2003








Mr. Gossett moved to approve the minutes of the August 25, 2003 meeting without reading. Seeing
no objection, the Chair so ordered.




Reports on Special and Outside Committees








No reports were given.



Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances




Consent Items - Items 3-5








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0365


Mr. Constantine





AN ORDINANCE relating to the conversion of either accrued vacation or accumulated
compensatory time hours, or both, for payment of the net cash, after mandatory deductions,
to the Washington state college tuition prepaid program-guaranteed education tuition, or
other approved financial support programs, to benefit any children of an employee who are
under the age of twenty-three at the time the employee dies while engaged in the scope of
his or her employment; and amending Ordinance 13743, Section 1, and K.C.C. 3.12.224
and Ordinance 13743, Section 2, and K.C.C. 3.12.2245.



The enacted number is 14750.



This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
















Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0386


Mr. Constantine and Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Federation of Professional and Technical
Employees, Local 17, representing employees in the departments of development and
environmental services, natural resources and parks, and transportation; and establishing
the effective date of said agreement.



The enacted number is 14751.



This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0403


Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine





AN ORDINANCE extending the date for transmittal of appointments of members to the
King County citizens' elections oversight committee; and amending Ordinance 14711,
Section 2, as amended.



The enacted number is 14752.



This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.




Passed The Consent Agenda



On 9/2/03, a public hearing was held and closed.



A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:







Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0





Motions for Council Action




Consent Item - Item 6








Proposed Substitute Motion No.


Mr. Constantine








A MOTION approving the Enterprise-Wide Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure
Equipment Replacement Plan for King County.



The enacted number is 11788.



This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.




Passed The Consent Agenda



A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:







Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0














Committee of the Whole








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0402


Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Phillips, Ms. Edmonds,
Ms. Patterson, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pelz
and Mr. Gossett








A MOTION endorsing the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride.



The Chair indicated Proposed Motion 2003-0402 remains in Committee-of-the Whole.







Labor, Operations and Technology








Proposed Substitute Motion No.


Ms. Hague








A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of James Morgan, who is a registered
voter residing in council district __, to the King County citizens' elections oversight



Mr. Constantine moved to relieve the Labor, Operations and Technology Committee of further
consideration and to take action on Proposed Motion 2003-0355. Seeing no objection, the Chair so

Ms. Hague moved Amendment 1 inserting the name of James Morgan. The motion was carried by
the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert,
Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond,
Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0
Ms. Hague moved Amendment T1. The motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert,
Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond,
Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0

The enacted number is 11789.



A motion was made by Mr. Constantine that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion
carried by the following vote:







Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0





Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0388


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE relating to the administrative fee retained from the one-dollar recording
surcharge authorized by 2003 Wash. Laws 289 (Substitute House Bill 1081); and amending
Ordinance 1660, Sections 1-2, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.12.120.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
















Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0392


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into a lease for approximately 51,345
square feet of space located in Key Tower for information and technology services for a
five year term, and the prosecuting attorney for an extension of 9.5 months.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0393


Ms. Hague





AN ORDINANCE relating to land use permit approvals amending short subdivisions, to
address the division or redivision of land into nine or fewer lots, tracts, parcels or sites; and
amending the application requirements for land use permits to allow for additional lots
under the certificate of transportation concurrency if certain criteria are satisfied; and
amending the permit issuance procedures for land use permit applications to extend the
Type 3 and Type 4 land use decisions issuance time period from one hundred and twenty
days to one hundred and fifty days and extend the issuance time period for state
Environmental Policy Act-exempt clearing and grading from forty-five days to ninety days;
making technical corrections; and amending Ordinance 13694, Section 32, and K.C.C.
19A.04.310, Ordinance 13694, Section 55, and K.C.C. 19A.12.010, Ordinance 13694,
Section 59, and K.C.C. 19A.12.050, Ordinance 12196, Section 11, as amended, and K.C.C.
20.20.040 and Ordinance 12196, Section 17, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.20.100.



Introduced and Referred to Growth Management and Unincorporated Areas Committee








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0396


Mr. Phillips





ANORDINANCE providing for the issuance and sale of limited tax general obligation
bonds of the county in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $115,000,000 for
the purposes of refunding certain outstanding limited tax general obligation bonds issued by
the county to finance construction of a major league baseball stadium and related parking
facilities; providing for the form, terms, covenants and other provisions of said refunding
bonds; authorizing a plan of refunding and the appointment of an escrow agent to
accomplish such plan of refunding; providing for the sale of the bonds and the disposition
of the proceeds of sale; establishing funds for the receipt and expenditure of bond proceeds
and for the payment of the bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal
thereof and interest thereon; and pledging certain taxes and revenues as additional security
for the bonds.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee








Proposed Ordinance No. 2003-0398


Mr. Phillips





AN ORDINANCE providing for the issuance of one or more series of limited tax general
obligation bonds of the county in an outstanding aggregate principal amount not to exceed
$89,000,000 to finance or reimburse the county for the Treemont Conservation Easement
Acquisition Project and to refund, on a current basis, all or a portion of the county's Limited
Tax General Obligation Bonds (Various Purpose), 1993 Series A, and Limited Tax General
Obligation and Refunding Bonds (Various Purpose), 1993 Series B; providing for the
public sale of the bonds and the disposition of the proceeds of sale; establishing funds for
the receipt and expenditure of bond proceeds and for the payment of the bonds; and
providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal thereof and interest thereon.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee











Introduction of Motions and Referrals








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0397


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION of the county council approving a bond purchase agreement for the county's
Limited Tax General Obligation (Baseball Stadium) Refunding Bonds, 2003 Series A in the
aggregate principal amount of $_________ and Taxable Limited Tax General Obligation
(Stadium Parking Facilities) Refunding Bonds, 2003 Series B in the aggregate principal
amount of $_________, and establishing certain terms of such bonds and a plan of
refunding; all in accordance with Ordinance _____.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0399


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION of the county accepting a bond purchase contract for the purchase of a
combined offering consisting of the county's Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 2003,
Series A in the aggregate principal amount of $__________, and the county's Limited Tax
General Obligation and Refunding Bonds, 2003, Series B in the aggregate principal amount
of $__________, and establishing certain terms of such bonds and a plan of refunding.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0400


Mr. Phillips





A MOTION authorizing the manager of treasury operations of King County to cancel the
attached list of uncollectible personal property taxes in the amount of $678,280.70 for the
years 1980, 1983 and 1986 and 1988 through 2002.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0405


Mr. McKenna





A MOTION authorizing the county executive to enter into an amendment to an interlocal
agreement with the city of Newcastle regarding improvements to Coal Creek Parkway.



Introduced and Referred to Transportation Committee








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0409


Mr. Phillips and Ms. Hague





A MOTION requesting the executive to research and report to the council on benefits of
participation in a cooperative software purchasing alliance with other cities and counties.



Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee



Other Business



Jim Buck, Interim Director of the Records and Elections Licensing Services Division, introduced
Dean Logan, Director designee of the Records and Elections Licensing Services Division, and
answered councilmembers' questions regarding the recent problem of some King County voters
receiving incorrect absentee ballots.











Extra Item



Introduction of Motions and Referrals








Proposed Motion No. 2003-0413


Mr. Gossett and Ms. Edmonds





A MOTION approving a level of service agreement in the form of a memorandum of
understanding for adult jail health care services between the department of public health
and the department of adult and juvenile detention.



Introduced and Referred to Law, Justice and Human Services Committee






The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 p.m.