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King County Council meeting agenda King County Council meeting agenda
King County
1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Agenda
Labor, Operations and
Technology Committee
Councilmembers: Dow Constantine, Chair; Cynthia Sullivan, Larry Gossett, Jane Hague

Staff: Mike Alvine (296-0350), Lead Staff Analyst; David Randall (296-1635), Analyst;
Joanne Rasmussen (296-0333), Committee Assistant

Room 1001 May 13, 2003 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes - April 22, 2003
2. Proposed Motion No. 2003-0200 Mr. Constantine and Ms. Hague
A MOTION approving the Homeland Security Policy Statement for King County Government.
David Randall, Council Staff
Discussion and Possible Action
3. Proposed Motion No. 2003-0069 Mr. Constantine
A MOTION approving the records, elections and licensing services division response to the
2003 budget proviso requiring submission of a report identifying animal control customer
service improvements and answering specific questions about the field canvassing program.
David Randall, Council Staff
4. Briefing No. 2003-B0083
City of Seattle/King County Services Partnering Study - Survey/Phase I
Cheryle Broom, King County Auditor
Ron Perry, Principal Management Auditor
Bert Golla, Senior Financial Auditor
Other Business


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This page was last updated on 07/24/2003

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