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King County Council meeting minutes King County Council meeting minutes
King County
1200 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Proceedings
Metropolitan King County Council
Councilmembers: Cynthia Sullivan, Chair; Pete von Reichbauer, Vice Chair;
Carolyn Edmonds, Kathy Lambert, Larry Phillips, Dwight Pelz,
Rob McKenna, Dow Constantine, Kent Pullen, Larry Gossett, Jane Hague,
David W. Irons, Julia Patterson

Room 1001 September 16, 2002 1:30 P.M.


Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:47 p.m.
Roll Call
Present: Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
Flag Salute and Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Edmonds led the flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes of September 9, 2002
Mr. von Reichbauer moved to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2002 meeting without
reading. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Reports on Special and Outside Committees
Ms. Edmonds reported on the Washington State Board of Health meeting. As a new member, she will
have the opportunity to understand the connection between the local and state Board of Health, the
relationship between the two and to work together to address the public health needs of the citizens
of the county and the state. The Board discussed a draft rule on emergency powers, and will act on
this item at a future meeting in October. The Board also had a briefing on the conversion of
Premera Blue Cross and on environmental health issues.

Ms. Edmonds briefed the Council on the WRIA 7 Salmon Recovery Forum held in Everett last week.
The group reviewed the work draft work plan for the Snohomish River Basin Conservation Plan and
received an update regarding funding from the Salmon Recovery Board.

Mr. Irons reported that the Agriculture Commission had a very good discussion on concerns about
clustering in the farm land. Although the Commission initially moved to oppose the ordinance, after
discussion it moved to oppose the current wording and to work with the sponsor of the ordinance on

Mr. Irons briefed the Council on the Landmarks Commission. He indicated the Commission did not
name the core of Fall City as a historic district, but did approve naming it a landmark heritage area.
He praised the Commission for staying involved and working with the citizens.

Mr. Pelz reported on his attendance at the Sound Transit Board meeting. He indicated the Board
discussed the Smart Car technology and reviewed a list of accomplishments of Sound Transit in the
past year. The Executive Director submitted the budget for next year. Mr. Pelz also commented on
the construction of the light rail line in Tacoma.

Ms. Hague reported on her attendance at the Eastside Transportation Partnership meeting. She was
joined by Mr. Irons and Mr. McKenna. The committee had a presentation by Sound Transit
regarding capital projects and risk assessment, and a status report on the Regional Transportation
Investment District.

Mr. Pelz briefed the Council on his attendance at the Executive Committee meeting of the Regional
Transportation Investment District on September 12 in Tacoma. The committee discussed the
methodology that the Washington State Department of Transportation will use to determine the
congestion relief and other performance measures for the projects being considered for RTID.

Ms. Hague reported on the Growth Management Policy Board of the Puget Sound Regional Council.
She indicated the Council is continuing with its work plan dealing with regional centers. The
Council had a presentation from the city of Lakewood regarding its designation as an urban center.
The Council will be working on a revised work plan to look at particular zoning corrections and a
better land use transportation link within the PSRC boundaries.

Mr. Phillips reported on the Tri-County Executive Committee. He commented on the listing of Puget
Sound chinook salmon under the endangered species act and how local governments and counties
have come together to forge a response. The Committee has completed that mission, is refocusing
for the future and has determined to focus on implementation for recovery.

Mr. McKenna reported on his attendance at the first meeting of the Transportation Permit Efficiency
and Accountability Committee. Members are from private industry, state legislature, tribes and
other organizations. The committee discussed how the state is applying its new environmental permit
streamlining process to the I-405 project. Mr. McKenna indicated the committee's goal is to
streamline permits for transportation all over the state.

Mr. von Reichbauer reported on the success of the American Heart Walk on September 14. He
commented on the county's efforts and thanked those members making commitments. He praised the
staff for their participation. Those wanting to help have until September 25 to complete or add to
their pledges in order to meet the Council's goal.
Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances
Consent Items - Items 3-12
On September 16, 2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Mr. Irons
AN ORDINANCE relating to the annexation of an area known as Whitewater to Covington
water district for the purpose of providing water service.
The enacted number is 14465.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0323 Mr. Irons and Mr. McKenna
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the sale of a parcel of tax title property to the city of
Covington, and a parcel of tax title property to the city of Newcastle, located in council
districts 12 and 6, respectively.
The enacted number is 14466.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0408 Mr. Phillips, Mr. Constantine and Mr.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and Washington State Council of County and City
Employees, Council 2, Local 1652 (medical examiner) representing employees in the
department of public health, prevention division, medical examiner's office; and
establishing the effective date of said agreement.
The enacted number is 14467.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0409 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE establishing November 5, 2002, as the date of a special election on the
question of annexation to the city of Auburn of an unincorporated area known as the Totem
The enacted number is 14468.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0410 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE establishing November 5, 2002, as the date of a special election on the
question of annexation to the city of Auburn of an unincorporated area known as the Klump
The enacted number is 14469.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0411 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE establishing November 5, 2002, as the date of a special election on the
question of annexation to the city of Auburn of an unincorporated area known as the
Steelhead North District.
The enacted number is 14470.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0412 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE establishing November 5, 2002, as the date of a special election on the
question of annexation to the city of Auburn of an unincorporated area known as the
Steelhead South District.
The enacted number is 14471.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0429 Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen and Mr.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the memorandum of agreement negotiated by
and between King County and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587 representing
employees in the department of transportation; and establishing the effective date of said
The enacted number is 14472.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0430 Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen and Mr.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement and
memorandum of agreement negotiated by and between King County and International
Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 117 (Professional & Technical Bargaining Unit)
representing employees in the departments of executive services, natural resources and
parks and transportation; and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
The enacted number is 14473.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0435 Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen and Mr.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 117
(administrative support employees) representing employees in the departments of executive
services, natural resources and parks, community and human services and transportation;
and establishing the effective date of said agreement.
The enacted number is 14474.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0

Budget and Fiscal Management
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0358 Mr. Constantine and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE making a supplemental appropriation of $315,507 from the current
expense fund to licensing and regulatory services; and amending the 2002 Budget
Ordinance, Ordinance 14264, Sections 21 and 36, as amended.
On 9/16/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
Mr. Phillips moved to defer Proposed Ordinance 2002-0358 with Item 16, Proposed Ordinance
2002-0359 until the October 14, 2002 Council meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0403 Mr. Phillips and Mr. Constantine
AN ORDINANCE making a supplemental appropriation of $3,691,000 to the public
transportation fund to finance the IBIS system upgrade; canceling and adding additional
projects;and amending the 2002 Budget Ordinance, Sections 119 and 121 and Attachments
2 and 4, as amended.
On 9/16/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
The enacted number is 14475.
A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0431 Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving a lease by the county of approximately one hundred fifty-six
thousand eight hundred square feet of office space and related parking in a building at 401
Broadway in Seattle to be used by Harborview Medical Center, authorizing the county
executive to execute the lease, and approving certain provisions of the plan to be used by
the owner to finance construction of the 401 Broadway building.
On 9/16/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
Mr. Phillips moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of holding an advertised public hearing on
Proposed Ordinance 2002-0431. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.

Proposed Ordinance 2002-0431 remains in the Budget and Fiscal Management Committee.

Labor, Operations and Technology
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0359 Mr. Constantine and Mr. Pullen
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and the Animal Control Officers Guild representing
employees in the animal control section of the records, elections and licensing services
division of the department of executive services; and establishing the effective date of said
On 9/16/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
Mr. Constantine moved to pass Proposed Ordinance 2002-0359
Mike Alvine, council staff, answered questions of the Council.
David Levin, Labor Negotiator, Labor Relations, Department of Executive Services, answered
questions of the Council.
Kathy Oglesby, Labor Liaison, Executive Office, answered questions of the Council.
Ben Leifer, Manager, Animal Services and Programs, Department of Executive Services, answered
questions of the Council.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 2:34 p.m.
The Chair reconvened the meeting at 2:59 p.m.
Mr. Phillips moved to defer Proposed Ordinance 2002-0359 with Item 13, Proposed Ordinance
2002-0358 until the October 14, 2002 Council meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Natural Resources, Parks and Open Space
Proposed Substitute Ordinance No.
Ms. Edmonds, Mr. Phillips and Ms.
AN ORDINANCE related to the cultural resources programs of the county; establishing a
cultural development authority; providing for certain county property and funds to be
transferred to or used by the cultural development authority; identifying responsibilities of
county departments and agencies for cultural resources programs; making technical
corrections; amending Ordinance 12089, Section 3, and K.C.C. 2.46.010, Ordinance 12089,
Section 4, and K.C.C. 2.46.020, Ordinance 12089, Section 5, and K.C.C. 2.46.030,
Ordinance 12089, Section 7, and K.C.C. 2.46.050, Ordinance 12089, Section 8, and K.C.C.
2.46.060, Ordinance 12089, Section 11, and K.C.C. 2.46.090, Ordinance 9134, Section 7,
as amended, and K.C.C. 4.40.060, Ordinance 8300, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C.
2.48.020, Ordinance 8300, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.030, Ordinance 9279,
Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.42.030, Ordinance 12076, Section 49, as amended,
and K.C.C. 4.42.100, Ordinance 14440, Section 3, and K.C.C. 4.42.025, Ordinance 14440,
Section 7, and K.C.C. 4.42.108, Ordinance 14440, Section 8, and K.C.C. 4.42.109,
Ordinance 9051, Sections 1 and 2, and K.C.C. 2.48.125, Ordinance 12468, Sections 9 and
10, and K.C.C. 2.84.190, Ordinance 12076, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.015,
Ordinance 12076, Section 10, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.08.025, Ordinance 14433, Section
2, Ordinance 12076, Section 24, and K.C.C. 4.08.190, Ordinance 14433, Section 2, and
K.C.C. 4.08.195, Ordinance 12089, Section 9, and K.C.C. 2.46.070, Ordinance 12089,
Section 12, and K.C.C. 2.46.100, Ordinance 6111, Section 8, as amended, and K.C.C.
4.40.110, Ordinance 9279, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.42.010, Ordinance 9279,
Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.42.020, Ordinance 9279, Section 8, as amended, and
K.C.C. 4.42.060, Ordinance 4828, Section 1, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.62.010, Ordinance
4828, Section 2, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.62.020, Ordinance 4828, Section 3, as
amended, and K.C.C. 20.62.030, Ordinance 4828, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C.
20.62.070, Ordinance 4828, Section 12, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.62.120 and Ordinance
9237, Sections 1 through 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.62.140, adding a new chapter to
K.C.C. Title 2, adding new sections to K.C.C. chapter 2.46, adding new sections to K.C.C.

chapter 2.48, adding a new section to K.C.C. chapter 4.08, adding new sections to K.C.C.
chapter 4.40, recodifying K.C.C. 4.40.060, 4.42.030, 4.42.060, 4.42.100, 4.42.108,
4.42.109, 2.46.070 and 2.46.100, decodifying K.C.C. 2.46.110, 2.48.140, 4.08.180,
4.40.140, 4.42.120 and. 4.42.130 and repealing Ordinance 12089, Section 6, and K.C.C.
2.46.040, Ordinance 12089, Section 10, and K.C.C. 2.46.080, Ordinance 1991, Section 1,
and K.C.C. 2.48.010, Ordinance 8300, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.040,
Ordinance 8300, Section 4, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.050, Ordinance 8300, Section 4,
and K.C.C. 2.48.060, Ordinance 8300, Section 4, and K.C.C. 2.48.070, Ordinance 8300,
Section 4, and K.C.C. 2.48.080, Ordinance 8300, Section 4, and K.C.C. 2.48.090,
Ordinance 8300, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.100, Ordinance 8300, Section 6,
as amended, and K.C.C. 2.48.110, Ordinance 8300, Section 7, as amended, and K.C.C.
2.48.120, Ordinance 8300, Section 8, and K.C.C. 2.48.130, Ordinance 12076, Section 47,
as amended, and K.C.C. 4.42.040, Ordinance 9279, Section 6, as amended, and K.C.C.
4.42.050 and Ordinance 9279, Section 9, as amended, and K.C.C. 4.42.070.
On 9/16/2002, a public hearing was held and remained open.
On 9/23/2002, a public hearing was held and closed.
The following people appeared to speak on 9/16/2002 :
Kitty Milne, 11913 27th Pl SW, Burien, WA 98146
Melissa Hines, 615 Boren #28, Seattle, WA 98104
Victoria Stiles, 11827 32nd Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98125
Gretchen Johnston, 1624 31st Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
John Chaney, 4313 278th Ave SE, Fall City, WA 98024
Jim Kelly, Manager, Office of Cultural Resources, answered questions of the Council.

Ms. Edmonds moved to defer Proposed Substitute Ordinance 2002-0365 until the September 23,
2002 Council meeting. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
Motions for Council Action
Consent Items - Items 18-29
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Ms. Patterson
A MOTION approving the contaminated sites management work program in the solid waste
The enacted number is 11520.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0414 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Jim Westlake, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing chambers of commerce.
The enacted number is 11521.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Motion No. 2002-0415 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Matthew Stone, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing business owners.
The enacted number is 11522.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0416 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Lawrence Stockton, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing the city of North Bend.
The enacted number is 11523.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0417 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Robert Pancoast, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing sewer and water utilities and associations.
The enacted number is 11524.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0418 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Terry Olson, who resides in council
district three to the East King County groundwater protection committee, representing
water purveyors.
The enacted number is 11525.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0419 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of George Magnochi, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing commercial agriculturists.
The enacted number is 11526.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0420 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Dick Jones, who resides in council
district three to the East King County groundwater protection committee, representing the
groundwater advisory committee.
The enacted number is 11527.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.

Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. Irons
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Kirk Holmes, who resides in
Ellensburg and is employed as the city of Snoqualmie Public Works Director, to the East
King County groundwater protection committee, representing the city of Snoqualmie.
The enacted number is 11528.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of James Dorsey, who resides in
council district twelve and is employed as the city of Carnation Public Works Director, to
the East King County groundwater protection committee, representing the city of
The enacted number is 11529.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. Irons
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Terri Divers, who resides in council
district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee, representing
sewer and water utilities and associations.
The enacted number is 11530.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0424 Ms. Lambert
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Robin Boynton, who resides in
council district three, to the East King County groundwater protection committee,
representing residential well users.
The enacted number is 11531.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0

Budget and Fiscal Management
Proposed Substitute Motion No.
Mr. Phillips
A MOTION of the county accepting bids for the purchase of the county's Limited Tax
General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, 2002, in the aggregate principal amount of
$85,000,000; fixing the interest rates and other terms of such Notes, all in accordance with
Ordinance 14167 of the county.
The enacted number is 11532.
A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0426 Mr. Phillips and Ms. Hague
A MOTION requesting the King County executive to participate in the U.S. Communities
Government Purchasing Alliance.
The enacted number is 11533.

Bob Cowan, Finance Manager, Finance and Business Operations Division, Department of Executive
Services, answered questions of the Council.

Mr. Pelz offered amendment A1 as friendly. Seeing no objection, the Chair so ordered.
A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that this matter be Passed as Amended. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0427 Mr. Phillips and Ms. Hague
A MOTION requesting the King County executive to establish a tax-forfeited property
renovation program and evaluate the possibility of utilizing the work crew program for
property cleanup and renovation.
The enacted number is 11534.
A motion was made by Mr. Phillips that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0

Committee of the Whole
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0438 Ms. Sullivan, Mr. Gossett, Mr.
Constantine, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr.
Phillips, Ms. Hague, Ms. Patterson, Mr.
Pelz and Ms. Edmonds
A MOTION recognizing Service Employees International Union Local 519 as the exclusive
bargaining representative for specified nonsupervisory employees within King County
Civic Television in the legislative branch of county government.
The enacted number is 11535.
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be Passed. The motion carried by
the following vote:
Yes: 12 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna,
Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 1 - Ms. Lambert
Excused: 0
Natural Resources, Parks and Open Space
The Chair directed the Clerk to take one vote on items 34-37 as a consent agenda.

Monica Clarke, council staff, answered questions of the Council.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0326 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving funding of $11,000 for two projects from the cultural facilities
emergency and unforeseen opportunity program in accordance with Motion 10189.
The enacted number is 11536.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0395 Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving one hundred thirty-seven projects for the King County special
projects program in accordance with Ordinance 14433.
The enacted number is 11537.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0397 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving thirty-one allocations for the King County heritage sesquicentennial
sustained support grant program, in accordance with Ordinance 14433.
The enacted number is 11538.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0398 Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION approving six projects for the King County landmarks rehabilitation program,
funded in accordance with Ordinance 11242.
The enacted number is 11539.
This Matter was Passed on the Consent Agenda.
Passed The Consent Agenda - Items 34-37
A motion was made by Ms. Edmonds that the Consent Agenda be passed. The motion carried
by the following vote:

Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Lambert, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr.
McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0
Employment Committee Agenda - Item 38
38. Appointment of the Interim Ombudsman
A motion was made by Mr. von Reichbauer that this matter be passed.

Ms. Lambert moved Amendment 1.
Mr. Pelz suggested amending line 7, after 'exceed', to delete 'six' and insert 'eight'. Ms. Lambert
accepted as friendly.
Ms. Lambet's motion to move Amendment 1, as amended, carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 13 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert,
Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen,
Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague, Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
No: 0
Excused: 0

Ms. Lambert moved Amendment 2.
Jim Brewer, Legal Counsel, answered questions of the Council.
David deCourcy, Chief of Staff, answered questions of the Council.
Ellen Petre, Council Administrator, answered questions of the Council.

Mr. Pullen requested a roll call vote.
Ms. Lambert's motion failed by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 3 - Ms. Lambert, Mr. McKenna and Mr. Pullen
No: 8 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds, Mr. Phillips,
Mr. Pelz, Mr. Gossett, Ms. Hague and Mr. Constantine
Excused: 2- Ms. Patterson and Mr. Irons

Mr. von Reichbauer's motion carried by the following vote:
Votes: Yes: 11 - Ms. Sullivan, Mr. von Reichbauer, Ms. Edmonds, Ms. Lambert,
Mr. Phillips, Mr. Pelz, Mr. McKenna, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Pullen,
Mr. Gossett and Ms. Hague
No: 0
Excused: 2 - Mr. Irons and Ms. Patterson
Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0437 Mr. Constantine, Mr. Phillips and Mr.
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated
by and between King County and International Federation of Professional and Technical
Engineers, Local 17, representing employees in the department of public health; and
establishing the effective date of said agreement.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0440 Mr. Pelz and Mr. Irons
AN ORDINANCE relating to road fees; setting the mitigation payment system program
project list and providing for an updated road mitigation payment system (MPS) fee
schedule; amending Ordinance 11617, Section 43 and Attachment B, as amended, and
K.C.C. 14.75.040 and Ordinance 11617, Section 49, as amended, and K.C.C. 14.75.100 and
repealing Ordinance 13696, Attachment B.
Introduced and Referred to Transportation Committee

Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0441 Mr. McKenna
AN ORDINANCE adopting 2003 Transit Program Financial Policies.
Introduced and Referred to Regional Transit Committee
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0449 Mr. Constantine and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE related to the competitive procurement process for financial services
contracts; changing the frequency from three years to five years; and amending Ordinance
12076, Section 40, and K.C.C. 4.14.020
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0450 Ms. Edmonds
AN ORDINANCE concerning parks, finances, facilities and operations related to the
Business Transition Phase II Report.
Introduced and Referred to Natural Resources, Parks and Open Space Committee
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0452 Mr. Phillips and Mr. McKenna
AN ORDINANCE relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the issuance and sale
of limited tax general obligation (public transportation sales tax) bonds of the county in the
aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $75,000,000 for the purpose of refunding the
outstanding Limited Sales Tax General Obligation Bonds, Series 1993 (Refunding), of the
county; providing for the form, terms, covenants and other provisions of such refunding
bonds; authorizing a plan of refunding and the appointment of an escrow agent to
accomplish the plan of refunding; providing for the sale of the bonds and the disposition of
the proceeds of sale; establishing funds for the receipt and expenditure of bond proceeds
and for the payment of the bonds; providing for the annual levy of taxes to pay the principal
thereof and interest thereon; and pledging public transportation sales tax revenues as
additional security for the bonds.
Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee

Introduction of Motions and Referrals
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0442 Mr. McKenna
A MOTION approving the 2002-2003 mission and goals of the transit division of the
department of transportation.
Introduced and Referred to Regional Transit Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0444 Mr. Pelz
A MOTION approving the Transit Division Vehicle Maintenance Section Non-Revenue
Vehicle (NRV) Program Plan.
Introduced and Referred to Transportation Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0448 Mr. Gossett
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of James R. Vollendroff as King
County alcohol and drug coordinator.
Introduced and Referred to Law, Justice and Human Services Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0451 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION accepting [a bond purchase agreement/bids] for the purchase of the county's
Limited Tax General Obligation (Public Transportation Sales Tax) Refunding Bonds, 2002,
in the aggregate principal amount of $____________, and establishing certain terms of
such bonds and a plan of refunding, all in accordance with Ordinance ________.
Introduced and Referred to Budget and Fiscal Management Committee
Other Business
49. Public Employment Relations Commission Notice
Mary Peterson, Deputy Director, Deputy Director's Office, Department of Transportation, read the
following into the record:

WE WILL NOT promulgate, maintain or enforce any overly-broad policy, rule, or regulation
prohibiting distribution of union-related literature protected by statute during non-work time in
non-work areas, without compelling circumstances required to maintain an orderly work
WE WILL NOT, in any other manner, interfere with, restrain, or coerce our employees in the exercise
of their rights under the Public Employees' Collective Bargaining Act, Chapter 41.56 RCW.
WE WILL rescind any employer policy relied upon in directing bargaining unit employee Linda
Averill to cease distribution of union-related literature on August 4, 1999, as well as the revised
policy issued on May 18, 2000; and will include provisions in any replacement policy that will
protect the rights of individual employees under Chapter 41.56 RCW.
WE WILL bargain in good faith with Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 587, to replace Article III,
Section 5(b) of the collective bargaining agreement which was relied upon On August 4, 1999, or
similar language relating to solicitation and circulation of protected materials that is contained in a
successor collective bargaining agreement, with language that does not infringe on the
rights of individual employees under Chapter 41.56 RCW.
WE WILL enforce any policies and/or contract provisions concerning solicitation and distribution of
materials in a consistent manner, without regard to representational status or union membership of
the employees involved.

A copy of the Commission Notice will be permanently attached to the official minutes.

Extra Items
Introduction of Ordinances for First Reading and Referral
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0446 Mr. Pelz and Ms. Lambert
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the condemnation of certain temporary access easements for
the Mount Si Bridge 2550A, Right-of-Way No. 9-1998-018.
Introduced and Referred to Transportation Committee
Proposed Ordinance No. 2002-0447 Ms. Patterson
AN ORDINANCE approving the Highline Water District 2002 Comprehensive Water
System Plan.
Introduced and Referred to Utilities Committee
Introduction of Motions and Referrals
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0443 Ms. Patterson
A MOTION authorizing the King County executive to enter into an interlocal agreement
with the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila for the administration of the Green
river flood control zone district to address and coordinate flood hazard reduction planning,
project construction, maintenance and operation of significant flood protection facilities
within the lower Green river watershed.
Introduced and Referred to Utilities Committee
Proposed Motion No. 2002-0454 Mr. Constantine
A MOTION encouraging the broader development and use of performance measures
throughout King County as a management tool and to enhance accountability to the public.
Introduced and Referred to Labor, Operations and Technology Committee
The meeting was adjourned at 4:17 p.m.


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