Transportation, Economy, and
Environment Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2025
Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Balducci, Dembowski, Perry, von Reichbauer and Quinn
Metro General Manager Briefing
Michelle Allison, Director, Metro Transit, briefed the committee and answered
questions from the members
This matter was Presented
Discussion and Possible Action
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the King County executive to sign an agreement between King County, a
political subdivision of the state of Washington, and the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit
Authority, a regional transit authority organized under the laws of the state of Washington, regarding
the operation and maintenance of the portion of the Downtown Redmond Link Extension that is within
King County property.
Mary Bourguignon, Council staff, briefed the committee on the legislation and
answered questions from the members. Doug Hodson, Deputy Division Director,
Parks Division, Department of Natural Resources and Parks, commented to the
committee and answered questions from the members.
A motion was made by Chair Dembowski that this Ordinance be
Recommended Do Pass Consent. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 - Balducci, Dembowski, Perry, von Reichbauer and Quinn
AN ORDINANCE relating to the Lower Duwamish Waterway cleanup and authorizing the King County
executive to sign and fulfill the obligations in the Consent Decree with the United States Environmental
Protection Agency and the Washington state Department of Ecology and the associated multiparty
Settlements to govern the cleanup of sediment contamination at the Lower Duwamish Waterway
Superfund Site and address King County and other parties' roles, contributions, and obligations for
Andy Micklow, Council staff, briefed the committee on the legislation and answered
questions from the members. Kristie Elliott, King County Senior Deputy Prosecuting
Attorney, Sharman Herrin, Government Relations, Wastewater Treatment Division
(WTD) and Michael Galvan, Environmental and Community Services Section
Manager, WDT, commented to the committee and answered questions from the
The meeting was recessed by the Chair at 10:52 am for the Executive Session. and