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King County Council meeting agenda King County Council meeting agenda
King County
1200 King County
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Meeting Agenda
Labor, Operations and
Technology Committee
Councilmembers: Julia Patterson, Chair; Jane Hague, Vice Chair;
Dwight Pelz, Dow Constantine, David Irons

Staff: Mike Alvine (296-0350), Lead Staff Analyst; David Randall (296-1635), Analyst;
Joanne Rasmussen (296-0333), Committee Assistant

Room 1001 September 14, 2004 9:30 A.M.

Call to Order
Roll Call
1. Approval of Minutes
August 24, 2004
Discussion and Possible Action
2. Proposed Motion No. 2004-0372 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Vivian Phillips, who resides in council
district ten, to the King County civic television citizens advisory committee, representing the
public relations industry.
Joanne Rasmussen, Council Staff
3. Proposed Motion No. 2004-0374 Mr. Phillips
A MOTION confirming the executive's appointment of Tim Treanor, who resides in council
district eight, to the King County civic television citizens advisory committee, representing the
internet industry.
Joanne Rasmussen, Council Staff
4. Proposed Motion No. 2004-0406 Mr. von Reichbauer and Mr. Phillips
A MOTION authorizing the county executive to enter into agreements with United Way of
King County to provide administrative services for the 2004 King County employee charitable
campaign and extending the agreement for the 2003 campaign.
Mike Alvine, Council Staff
5. Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0385 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the collective bargaining agreement negotiated by
and between King County and International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers,
Local 17 (Graphic Design) representing employees in the department of executive services; and
establishing the effective date of said agreement.
Mike Alvine, Council Staff
6. Proposed Ordinance No. 2004-0418 Ms. Patterson and Mr. Phillips
AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting six memoranda of agreement negotiated by and
between King County and International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers,
Local 17, International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 117 and Service Employees
International Union, Public Safety Employees, Local 519 representing employees in the
departments of adult and juvenile detention, community and human services, development and
environmental services, executive services, judicial administration, natural resources and parks,
public health, transportation and the King County sheriff's office and establishing the effective
date of said agreements.
David Randall, Council Staff
7. Briefing No. 2004-B0177
Performance Audit of Roads Services Division Capital Planning
Valerie Whitener, Principal Management Auditor
Rob McGowan, Senior Management Auditor

8. Briefing No. 2004-B0176
Countywide Performance Measurement Program
Cheryle Broom, King County Auditor
Ron Perry, Lead Principal Management Auditor
Chris Veit, SMG/Columbia Consulting Group
Discussion and Possible Action
9. Proposed Motion No. 2004-0451 Mr. Constantine and Ms. Patterson
A MOTION directing the county auditor to add a performance measurement program to the
auditor's 2005 work plan and requesting the county executive, assessor, sheriff, prosecuting
attorney and presiding judges of the superior and district courts to participate in an advisory
performance measurement work group.
David Randall, Council Staff
Other Business


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