Clerk 06/11/2014
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the executive to enter into updated interlocal cooperation agreements with cities that participate with King County in the Community Development Block Grant Consortium, the HOME Investments Partnership Consortium and the Regional Affordable Housing Program Consortium.
1. King County receives an annual Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") entitlement formula grant, a HOME Investments Partnership ("HOME") formula grant, and a formula-based Emergency Solutions Grant ("ESG") from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD").
2. HUD allows ESG funding provisions to be incorporated into the CDBG agreements and does not require an independent agreement.
3. In order for the King County CDBG and HOME consortia to remain qualified as urban county consortia with HUD, every three years, King County must either renew or update, or both, interlocal cooperation agreements with cities that are eligible and choose to participate in the consortia.
4. King County annually collects document recording fee surcharge revenue generated in accordance with RCW 36.22.178, to be used for affordable housing projects in accordance with a Regional Affordable Housing Program ("RAHP") interlocal agreement with cities in King County.
5. In accordance with K.C.C. 24.13, it is the policy of King County to partner with cities and towns in King County as urban county consortia for planning the distribution and administration of federal CDBG, HOME and ESG moneys, and for planning the distribution and administration of state authorized RAHP moneys.
6. Under K.C.C. 24.13.010, King County consortium partnerships are established through the following interlocal cooperation agreements:
a. A Regular CDBG agreement for cities that do not qualify to receive their own CDBG grant and participate in both the CDBG and HOME consortia;
b. A CDBG joint agreement for cities that qualify to receive their own CDBG grant, but choose to participate in the King County CDBG consortium to plan and implement a joint community development program, in which they share portions of their grant for consortium priorities;
c. A HOME agreement for cities that qualify to receive their own CDBG grant, but do not qualify to receive their own HOME funds, and participate in the HOME consortium; and
d. A RAHP agreement for all cities in the county that want to participate in a regional affordable housing fund.
7. The regular and joint agreement CDBG partners have agreed on amendments to the CDBG Consortium Agreement for 2015 - 2017, thus all CDBG partner cities must sign a new agreement before the end of July 2014.
8. The HOME partners have agreed to include HUD technical amendments that will make it easier for the HOME Consortium to address technical amendments in the future without every city having to approve and sign a new agreement.
9. RAHP Consortium partners have agreed to automatically renew the RAHP agreement. Thus, the only cities that will need to sign those agreements are cities that did not sign a 2012 - 2014 RAHP agreement and the one newly eligible HOME agreement city, Kirkland.
SECTION 1. The King County executive is hereby authorized to enter into renewed and updated interlocal cooperation agreements with Community Development Block Grant agreement cities, Community Development Block Grant joint agreement cities, HOME Investments Partnership agreement cities and Regional Affordable
Housing Program agreement cities. The agreements shall be in substantially the form of Attachments A, B, C and D to this ordinance.